Hi chairs, WG,

Over the last two years, we have presented and the WG discussed 
draft-decraene-lsr-isis-flooding-speed at IETF 105 and "107"
IETF 105: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/105/proceedings#lsr    Note: 
that the presentation is in first slot/video but a large part of the discussion 
is in the second one.
IETF 107/interim: 

The goal is to improve flooding performance and robustness to make it both 
faster when the receiver have free cycles, and slower when the receiver is 

In addition to technical discussions, a feedback was that implementation and 
tests/evaluation would be good in order to evaluate the proposal.

We are reporting that we have an implementation of [1] based on the open source 
Free Range Routing implementation.
We are now ready to report the evaluation to the WG. We have a lot of data so 
ideally would need around an hour in order to cover the whole picture.

We have requested a slot for IETF 111 LSR meeting. If the IETF 111 slot is 
short, we'd like to request for an interim meeting. In order to keep the 
context, the sooner/closer to IETF 111 seems the better.

Since we have an implementation, we have requested for a code point, in order 
to avoid squatting on one. This is currently under review by the designed 

Finally, given the two-years work, the specification, the implementation and 
extensive evaluation, we'd like to ask for WG adoption.


[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-decraene-lsr-isis-flooding-speed


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