Hi Linda,

Thank you for your contribution.  I have several comments:

1) I think you could abstract this out from 5G and have a much stronger 
contribution. If I understand correctly, your goal is to route to optimal 
instances of anycast load balancers. There’s nothing radio specific about that. 
 This would also great simplify the discussion.

2) The flow affinity that you request is not something that is normally 
implemented. The affinity that I’m familiar with is a hash function before 
indexing into a multi-path table that doesn’t fluctuate frequently.  I don’t 
think that you have that condition. I could envision some kind of forwarding 
cache, but that would deserve a careful discussion of cache timeouts, as they 
need to be consistent across the network. I also don’t understand how this 
would work in the face of a handover.

3) I’m not following how link metrics would interact with your site cost 
metrics. Do you even want them to?

4) I don’t think you really want to advertise your site-cost metrics in the 
FAD.  The point of the FAD is to define the constraints for the topology. Yes 
you will want to use a FAD to advertise that a given algorithm will be using 
your specific Calc-Type, but I’m not seeing any kind of global topology 
constraints here.  The metrics that you’re advertising don’t belong in the FAD 
and instead should probably be in a prefix reachability TLV.


> On Oct 13, 2021, at 3:50 PM, Linda Dunbar <linda.dun...@futurewei.com> wrote:
> LSR experts:
> We have updated the draft to reflect the suggestions from LSR WG to use Flex 
> Algo to advertise the metrics associated with the environment where 5G edge 
> computer servers are running.
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-dunbar-lsr-5g-edge-compute/ 
> <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-dunbar-lsr-5g-edge-compute/>
> In a nutshell, the draft proposes some new values in the Flex Algo Definition 
> Sub-TLV
> A new Metric-Type is introduced to indicate the Aggregated Cost AppMetaData 
> Metrics included in computing the constrained SPF.
> Additional subsub-TLVs to be included in the Flex Algo Definition Sub-TLV to 
> carry the detailed metrics for the constrained SPF.
> We are looking for feedback of our revised approach. 
> Thank you. 
> Linda Dunbar
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