Hi, Robert:
If the ABR know the restaurant are closing now, it can certainly let the driver 
change to the backup restaurant immediately and avoid the driver waste the 
miles. Wouldn’t this mechanism give the driver better experiences?

Anyway, the unreachable information is rare, controllable. The 
implementation/operator can open it only to the loop back address of the PE or 
Tunnel Ends.

Aijun Wang
China Telecom

> On Nov 21, 2021, at 09:03, Robert Raszuk <rob...@raszuk.net> wrote:
> > The ABR should do the summary work based on the liveness, right?
> Really ???
> It seems we are as the WG in a form of a disconnect on that one .. rather 
> fundamental to what IGPs are or are supposed to be.  
> One way to look at them is an analogy to road signs which first tell you the 
> direction to state/country, then city, then district/province, then street. 
> They do not blast you with pulses or stars that there is no one at home or 
> that restaurant is closed. 
> On the other hand some folks here state that while road signs are great 
> (summary analogy) we do need to know by road signs if the restaurant is open 
> before we head there. Hmm just imagine how would that work in practice. Just 
> imagine blasting this all over US when no one except few folks is even 
> interested in this information. Leave alone that their infrastructure just is 
> not designed to keep up with it. 
> Removing summary just because x % of restaurants are closed would be like 
> putting duct tape on traffic signs. Yes with the e-signs it is technically 
> possible but is this the right thing to do ? 
> If the restaurant is open you either use google service overlay (think BGP) 
> to tell you that with some amount of probability or you call them directly 
> and check before you jump into the car to drive (think directed in data plane 
> probe). 
> Last even if the restaurant is open there is no assurance they will take your 
> order when you arrive as they may experience power outage or run out of rice 
> for your favourite meal. So liveness of the PE does not really mean that your 
> service will be delivered. 
> Kind regards,
> R.

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