Robert –

From: Robert Raszuk <>
Sent: Sunday, February 6, 2022 10:42 AM
To: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <>
Subject: Re: [Lsr] Working Group Last Call for "OSPF Strict-Mode for BFD" - 

Hi Les,

There is nothing in RFC 5880 (nor in, what I consider to be even more relevant, 
RFC 5882) that requires a BFD implementation to signal UP state to a BFD client 
within a specific time following transition of the BFD state machine to UP . An 
implementation is free to introduce a delay (as you suggest) before such 

My reading of section 6.2 of RFC5880 clearly indicates that BFD is signalling 
UP state when BFD session has been established without any delay.
[LES:] This is specifying the BFD State Machine and signaling between BFD peers 
– not signaling between BFD and its local clients.
RFC 5882 has some discussion of the latter – particularly

It is worth quoting this sentence:

“The interaction between a BFD session and its associated client
   applications is, for the most part, an implementation issue that is
   outside the scope of this specification.”

Indeed, one way of implementing “BFD Dampening” (as some vendors have done) is 
to delay notification of BFD UP state to BFD clients.

The obvious benefits of implementing such a delay (if desired) before BFD 
signals UP to clients are that it is client agnostic and does not require any 
knowledge on the part of the clients as to when BFD has completed any 
additional procedures. The client simply operates as if BFD session is DOWN 
until it gets an UP indication from BFD.


I am not sure if BFD implementation is free to introduce any delay there yet 
still to claim full compliance to RFC5880 (even if technically it would make 
sense to have such delay).


   Up state means that the BFD session has successfully been

   established, and implies that connectivity between the systems is

   working.  The session will remain in the Up state until either

   connectivity fails or the session is taken down administratively.

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