Hi Aijun,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I agree that the observed problem is valid and is service impacting for 

It is wise to be conservative about using the IGP as an API to advertise opaque 
properties. The PUA/UPA have nothing to do with calculating SPF/cSPF.

Maybe we should first try to understand and agree on the full problem space 
before we directly jump into IGP encodings and risk over-engineering a solution?


From: Aijun Wang <wangai...@tsinghua.org.cn>
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2022 12:27 PM
To: Van De Velde, Gunter (Nokia - BE/Antwerp) <gunter.van_de_ve...@nokia.com>
Cc: lsr <lsr@ietf.org>; draft-ppsenak-lsr-igp-ureach-prefix-annou...@ietf.org; 
Subject: Re: [Lsr] Thoughts about PUAs - are we not over-engineering?

Hi, Gunter:

Let me try to answer some of your concerns.

The reason that we prefer to the Summary+PUA/UPA solution is that the node 
failure(which is the main scenario that we focus now) is one rarely thing in 
the network. Then the unreachable event triggered mechanism is more efficient 
than advertising all of the node’s reachable address. This point has been 
discussed in the mail list in past.

In the 
 we have illustrated how to control the advertisement of PUA message on the 
ABR. If this can’t settle your concerns, we can consider more policy on the ABR.

Regarding to the tracking and representation of PUA in RTM, we have proposed in 
the earlier version of this draft, that is to install one black hole route to 
the specified detailed prefix.

The reason that PUA requires routers within one area to be upgraded is that it 
want to avoid the situations when the router doesn’t recognize PUA message and 
misbehave. We are considering the convergence of PUA/UPA solutions, which may 
relax such requirements during deployment.

Aijun Wang
China Telecom

On Jun 14, 2022, at 16:59, Van De Velde, Gunter (Nokia - BE/Antwerp) 
<gunter.van_de_ve...@nokia.com<mailto:gunter.van_de_ve...@nokia.com>> wrote:
Hi All,

When reading both proposals about PUA's:
* draft-ppsenak-lsr-igp-ureach-prefix-announce-00
* draft-wang-lsr-prefix-unreachable-annoucement-09

The identified problem space seems a correct observation, and indeed summaries 
hide remote area network instabilities. It is one of the perceived benefits of 
using summaries. The place in the network where this hiding takes the most 
impact upon convergence is at service nodes (PE's for L3/L2/transport) where 
due to the summarization its difficult to detect that the transport tunnel 
end-point suddenly becomes unreachable. My concern however is if it really is a 
problem that is worthy for LSR WG to solve.

To me the "draft draft-wang-lsr-prefix-unreachable-annoucement-09" is not a 
preferred solution due to the expectation that all nodes in an area must be 
upgraded to support the IGP capability. From this operational perspective the 
draft "draft-ppsenak-lsr-igp-ureach-prefix-announce-00" is more elegant, as 
only the A(S)BR's and particular PEs must be upgraded to support PUA's. I do 
have concerns about the number of PUA advertisements in hierarchically 
summarized networks (/24 (site) -> /20 (region) -> /16 (core)). More specific, 
in the /16 backbone area, how many of these PUAs will be floating around 
creating LSP LSDB update churns? How to control the potentially exponential 
number of observed PUAs from floating everywhere? (will this lead to OSPF type 
NSSA areas where areas will be purged from these PUAs for scaling stability?)

Long story short, should we not take a step back and re-think this identified 
problem space? Is the proposed solution space not more evil as the problem 
space? We do summarization because it brings stability and reduce the number of 
link state updates within an area. And now with PUA we re-introduce additional 
link state updates (PUAs), we blow up the LSDB with information opaque to SPF 
best-path calculation. In addition there is suggestion of new state-machinery 
to track the igp reachability of 'protected' prefixes and there is maybe desire 
to contain or filter updates cross inter-area boundaries. And finally, how will 
we represent and track PUA in the RTM?

What is wrong with simply not doing summaries and forget about these PUAs to 
pinch holes in the summary prefixes? this worked very well during last two 
decennia. Are we not over-engineering with PUAs?


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