Hi Reshad, 

Note that the SR encodings contain a lot of the same information but are 
different in the two protocols. It wouldn’t be feasible to use common groupings 
as it is more importation to be consistent with the data blocks that we are 
augmenting than the SR extensions in the other protocol. If the IGPs were 
exactly the same, there would only be one 😎 

> On Nov 14, 2023, at 12:17, Reshad Rahman <res...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi Acee,
> Couple of other differences (I didn't dig to see whether they are justified):
> - Naming discrepancies e.g. TLV suffix is used more in OSPF (local-blocks v/s 
> local-blocks-tlv)

The LSDB models for RFC 9129 (OSPF) and RFC 9130 (IS-IS) are somewhat 
different. It is more important to be consistent with the base models than the 
other protocol. 

> - No global blocks in ISIS

IS-IS has global blocks. 

augment /rt:routing/rt:control-plane-protocols
    +--ro sr-capability
    |  +--ro sr-capability
    |  |  +--ro sr-capability-bits*   identityref
    |  +--ro global-blocks
    |     +--ro global-block* []
    |        +--ro range-size?    uint32
    |        +--ro sid-sub-tlv
    |           +--ro sid?   uint32
    +--ro sr-algorithms
    |  +--ro sr-algorithm*   uint8
    +--ro local-blocks
    |  +--ro local-block* []
    |     +--ro range-size?    uint32
    |     +--ro sid-sub-tlv
    |        +--ro sid?   uint32
    +--ro srms-preference
       +--ro preference?   uint8

> - No capabilities in OSPF

We have augmentations for capabilities. 

Refer to 


> Regards,
> Reshad.   
> On Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 10:11:02 AM EST, Acee Lindem 
> <acee.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Reshad - are there any other notable discrepancies? 
> Thanks,
> Acee
> > On Nov 14, 2023, at 9:55 AM, Reshad Rahman 
> > <reshad=40yahoo....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > My suggestion is that authors of these 2 documents spend some time together 
> > to try to align the 2 documents. After that we can do YD review.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Reshad.
> > 
> > On Wednesday, November 1, 2023, 10:58:56 AM EDT, Reshad Rahman 
> > <res...@yahoo.com <mailto:res...@yahoo.com>> wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Background: those 2 documents have just been assigned YD review, I am 
> > reviewing OSPF and Jan is reviewing ISIS.
> > 
> > Was an effort made to keep those 2 documents aligned/in-sync where 
> > possible/desirable? My expectation is that the SR specifics would be 
> > near-identical in the 2 documents. e.g. shouldn't the capabilities for the 
> > 2 protocols be very similar.
> > Here are some differences which don't seem justified:
> > - sr-algorithm in ISIS is a uint8 and in OSPF is an identityref
> > - range-size is a uint32 in ISIS and is a uint24 in OSPF
> > 
> > 
> > augment /rt:routing/rt:control-plane-protocols
> > /rt:control-plane-protocol/isis:isis/isis:database
> > /isis:levels/isis:lsp/isis:router-capabilities:
> > +--ro sr-capability
> > | +--ro sr-capability
> > | | +--ro sr-capability-bits* identityref
> > | +--ro global-blocks
> > | +--ro global-block* []
> > | +--ro range-size? uint32
> > | +--ro sid-sub-tlv
> > | +--ro sid? uint32
> > +--ro sr-algorithms
> > | +--ro sr-algorithm* uint8
> > +--ro local-blocks
> > | +--ro local-block* []
> > | +--ro range-size? uint32
> > | +--ro sid-sub-tlv
> > | +--ro sid? uint32
> > +--ro srms-preference
> > +--ro preference? uint8
> > 
> > augment /rt:routing/rt:control-plane-protocols
> > /rt:control-plane-protocol/ospf:ospf/ospf:areas/ospf:area
> > /ospf:interfaces/ospf:interface/ospf:database
> > /ospf:link-scope-lsa-type/ospf:link-scope-lsas
> > /ospf:link-scope-lsa/ospf:version/ospf:ospfv2/ospf:ospfv2
> > /ospf:body/ospf:opaque/ospf:ri-opaque:
> > +--ro sr-algorithm-tlv
> > | +--ro sr-algorithm* identityref
> > +--ro sid-range-tlvs
> > | +--ro sid-range-tlv* []
> > | +--ro range-size? rt-types:uint24
> > | +--ro sid-sub-tlv
> > | +--ro sid? uint32
> > +--ro local-block-tlvs
> > | +--ro local-block-tlv* []
> > | +--ro range-size? rt-types:uint24
> > | +--ro sid-sub-tlv
> > | +--ro sid? uint32
> > +--ro srms-preference-tlv
> > +--ro preference? uint8
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Disclaimer: I don't follow LSR...
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Reshad.
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