Bruno –

Thanx for the concerns.

Let’s dig deeper into the concerns about “interoperability”.
I will use IS Neighbors advertisements in this discussion – but conceptually 
the discussion applies to all codepoints – though obviously the specifics are 
different in each case.

It is important to note that this draft has not introduced any modification to 
the encoding of any existing TLV. The format and the set of sub-TLVs associated 
with a given codepoint are defined in the respective RFCs for each codepoint 
and are not altered by this draft.

In the case of IS-Neighbor, the correct identification of keys is already 
required for two reasons:

1)It determines the identity of the link/neighbor being advertised
2)It is necessary in order to correctly do two-way connectivity checking

Independent of multi-TLV, implementations MUST correctly process the keys or 
operation of the network is compromised.

The interoperability issues associated with multi-tlv do not arise because 
existing specifications are ambiguous as to what constitutes a key.
Interoperability issues result from some implementations treating two TLVs with 
matching keys in different ways:

Historically two TLVs with the same key have been treated as replacements for 
each other i.e., one TLV is treated as “stale” and one TLV is treated as the 
With multi-TLV, two TLVs with the same key are treated as complementary i.e., 
the information in both TLVs is treated as current.

If all routers in the network don’t apply the same interpretation to multiple 
TLVs with the same key, then we have (obvious) interoperability issues.
This is what is discussed in the draft and is the proper subject of the draft.

Keys for each TLV are defined in the respective RFCs that define each codepoint.
Repeating that information in this draft is at best redundant – at worst 
unintentionally conflicting – and clearly does not scale (we have hundreds of 
codepoints to which multi-TLV can be applied).

This is why we made the decision not to specify/discuss the “key” for every TLV 
– but focused on the conceptual use of the key in support of multi-TLV.


From: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2024 3:36 AM
To: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) <>; Ketan Talaulikar 
<>; Yingzhen Qu <>
Cc: lsr <>; lsr-chairs <>
Subject: RE: [Lsr] Re: WG Last Call for draft-ietf-lsr-multi-tlv (7/1/2024 - 

Thanks Les for your reply.
Please see 1 comment inline [Bruno]

From: Les Ginsberg (ginsberg) 
Sent: Wednesday, July 3, 2024 8:53 PM
To: Ketan Talaulikar <<>>; 
Yingzhen Qu <<>>
Cc: lsr <<>>; lsr-chairs 
Subject: [Lsr] Re: WG Last Call for draft-ietf-lsr-multi-tlv (7/1/2024 - 

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Ketan –

Thanx for the support.
Responses inline.

From: Ketan Talaulikar <<>>
Sent: Wednesday, July 3, 2024 9:56 AM
To: Yingzhen Qu <<>>
Cc: lsr <<>>; lsr-chairs 
Subject: [Lsr] Re: WG Last Call for draft-ietf-lsr-multi-tlv (7/1/2024 - 

Hi All,

I thank the authors for the work on this draft and support its publication. 
This work was very much needed for the enablement of new feature sets in ISIS 
networks and the specification will aid interoperability.

My only "grudge" is something that I have brought up previously on this draft 
[1] and perhaps there may still be some interest in the WG/authors to take care 
of them?

1) Mandate that the non-key part is identical in all the parts and if not 
recommend that the value in the first part is taken. Or, say something about 
handling this condition than saying "error and out of scope".

[LES:] The authors discussed this aspect.
What we decided was that the scope of this draft was to clearly define the 
generic aspects of multi-tlv – not to discuss the peculiarities of any specific 
With that in mind, Section 4 – and specifically the examples provided – is 
meant only to illustrate what a “key” is.
There is considerably more that could be said about each specific codepoint – 
but we believe that is out of scope for this document.

2) Since the early versions of the draft, a lot of effort has been put on 
cataloguing TLV/sub-TLVs and their applicability for MP. From there, it is only 
one more step to actually specify the "key" and "non-key" parts of TLVs (where 
this is not done already) in an appendix section. This is important for 
interoperability. The draft today covers two of the most prominent TLVs but 
does not cover the others.

[LES:] Again, the intent of this document is to clearly describe the generic 
Multi-TLV mechanism – not to discuss the specifics of each codepoint. To do so 
would expand the scope of the document beyond any reasonable boundaries.
For example, in the case of Neighbor TLVs (such as TLV 22), there are a wide 
variety of implementation strategies.
Some implementations send only LinkIDs all the time.
Some implementations send endpoint addresses (when available) and not Link IDs.
Some implementations send endpoint addresses and Link IDs.
All of these options are valid – but may impact interoperability depending on 
the “generosity” of the receivers.

[Bruno] I think that interoperability is important, especially for a link state 
If interop depends on the “generosity” of the receivers, why not specifying (I 
mean mandating with MUST) the level of generosity which is required for interop 
(well I mean “for things to work”)


And some commonality is required – independent of Multi-TLV – in order for 
two-way connectivity check to work correctly.

It is not in the scope of this document to include such a discussion – and the 
use of Multi-TLV does not introduce new issues in this regard.
This is why we restricted ourselves to only discussing “what a key is” in the 
The discussion – even for the two examples - is not exhaustive and is not meant 
to be.

If there is a significant interoperability issue with a particular codepoint, 
some other document will have to be written/updated to address that.


That said, I won't hold this document if I am in the rough on this.



On Tue, Jul 2, 2024 at 11:39 AM Yingzhen Qu 
<<>> wrote:


This email begins a 2 week WG Last Call for the following draft: 
draft-ietf-lsr-multi-tlv-01 - Multi-part TLVs in 

Please review the document and indicate your support or objections by July 
15th, 2024.


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