Jeff McCune wrote:
My original post was a request to the Have's; stop for a minute and help the Have Not's catch up. That's all.
In this situation, a tool that's open and backed by a development group that willingly works with the community will naturally evolve into what it needs to be. In effect the "what we need to do" will naturally develop itself.

I whole-heartedly agree, which is one big reason why I'm not so concerned about being theoretically correct and would much rather get something out there that it's easy to be involved in.

I agree with you, configuration management is much more than simply automating manual processes a human performs. My argument; the end goal is unreachable and unimportant until a viable path to it is available to the community at large.

However, the reality of the situation today is that virtually nobody (except perhaps the admins at Google, or Amazon) is ready to take the leap in abstraction you and many on this list are constantly discussing.

Practically speaking, a workshop should empower the attendees rather that just leave them with a sense of "Wow, that's really neat, but there's no clear path from where I'm at now to where they're talking about going."

Again, I completely agree. I want workshop attendees to come out with a clear idea of what they can do next, whether a newbie to config-mgmt or an old hand at it. Seating constraints and workshop visibility will tend towards more experience, but it should transition smoothly into the BoF.

I'd be thrilled if you'd be willing to help with the workshop, Jeff. I don't think it's appropriate that we rely on tool developers (Narayan and myself), since we'll have too many clear biases.

Nonreciprocal Laws of Expectations:
   Negative expectations yield negative results. Positive expectations
   yield negative results.
Luke Kanies | |

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