On Jan 19, 2007, at 9:55 AM, Paul Anderson wrote:

I'm sure that I seen several comparatively simple examples in a similar vein (Ed?). I worry about how you get from there to something practical.

well, the beauty of this is that it is practical for me right now.
but point taken, that is, it requires you know what you are doing in a deep sense.

How do you specify what you want in a simple and concise way - having someone (sysadmin?) write arbitrary code in a logic programming language and let it lose to reconfigure my network would make me a little twitchy :-) - you still want to allow the flexibility though - perhaps you need to provide some layer which restricts what is possible, and makes the application context clearer - for example "remove server A while maintaining these properties ....."

i think this is really just a notational/syntactic issue.
once we know what kinds of things it is practicible to make sysadmins write, and what can be encoded by the package owner, it is likely straightforward from there.

It is also hard to specify all the correct constraints in practice - my previous example being migrating some service on to somebody's laptop because there wasn't any constraint to say that this was a bad idea ....

i guess my attitude to this is the same as the way i program (shudder): i rely on modularity which i test often by jumbling things together in odd ways. stuff breaks a lot initially, but after a while,
the independence and accuracy of teh interface become quite solid.

But I really would like to see this approach followed up a little further.

I have zero time right now, but I might be able to initiate a student project to play with it and keep me involved .... (?)

i don't know if i/we are there yet.


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