tirsdag 18. september 2001 02:22 skrev du :
> I am running a Dual Pentium III 733MHz Dell with 2GB of RAM.  Our user's
> file systems are mounted via NFS on a Netware box.  We have about 300
> potential users and right now about 25 on at a time.  We are adding
> terminals and X windows servers to Windoze machines so that usage will be
> climbing.

So the Dell box is only apps, cpu and ram for the clients, the major file 
system is on a different box? Do you mount that NFS system straight into the 
X-terminals or through the Dell?

> One interesting thing.  This summer we had a lab with 18 terminals all
> running on a 10M hub.  They got very heavy usage and the hub did NOT seem
> to be a limiting factor.  It's now a switch, but the hub didn't seem to be
> a problem.

That's really surprising. I've been told that about 2Mb/s of bandwidth should 
be allocated to each X-terminal, but that would seem a way too conservative 
figure. Anyway, I had planned on a switched network to make sure no problems.

> I can also tell you that our RAM usage never comes close to 2GB.  I am
> using a smaller footprint window manager called ICEWM.

We're spending a fair amount of time translating KDE and will be using that. 
It's more heavy than IceWM or the other lightweights both on resources at the 
server and the network,  but we'll have to live with that. It's important to 
show something fairly similar to that other desktop - mostly because of the 

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

Ragnar Wisløff
Fri Agenda/LinuxLabs

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