Y'all seen this already i bet.

Michael H. Collins                     http://www.linuxlink.com
Admiral                                Penguinista Navy International
This ain't California                  http://www.geekaustin.org
Science is not a crime.                honk if you fsck
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Some of you who have been watching my signature change over the
last little bit may have noticed that Avalon has morphed
into HyperLINq. We have moved from a Linux centric network
services company to a Linux centric software company.

What we have done is marry a Linux backend to a Windows

We are an OEM licensee for Win4Lin, and have created a product
called WinLINq that works with Win4Lin to deploy Windows
desktops to Thin PCs.

In my office, most of us run Linux, but for those of us that
sometimes need a Windows app we run remotely displayed Windows
app running on our WinLINq server. The guy in our office
running a Mac uses WinLINq to run Windows on his Mac. We also
turn PCs into Thin PCs that allow us to run Windows on machines
as slow as 486/DX 66.

The really cool thing is that in most instances we deliver
Windows desktops to users and only sophisticated users notice
anything different. However, we are in at least one school
where they are excited about the prospect of being able to
"raise the curtain" on Windows and show off the Linux running
underneath. It is sort of a Trojan Horse concept of getting
Linux into places that don't see a need for it.

On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 10:22:43AM -0700, Nathan Meyers wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 10:02:13AM -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:
> >   There are three major applications not yet available for linux...
> > 
> >   What's lacking (and you've read this from me a number of times in the
> > past) are: accounting (being worked on), publishing and project management
> > software.
> Rich,
> I wonder how many objections might be answered by something like Citrix
> ICA (http://www.citrix.com/products/clients/ica/faq.asp). ICA is the
> closest thing I've seen to the X Windows display client/server model:
> it sits on a Windows server box and runs Windows apps to remote systems
> of all sorts - including Linux.
> Nathan
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Stand Fast,

Timothy Grant
Chief Technology Officer
HyperLINq Technologies, Inc.
Support PLUG and the Open Source Community http://www.linuxfund.org/lugs/?lug=plug
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