Forgive pleas my bad english. I have some questions about LOCAL_APPS.
I am using LTSP ver. 2.0.8 on SuSE Linux 7.1.
I run LTSPserver in "Remote apps" mode and it runs fine and OK.
But I want use printers on client machines and so i read here,
I need run mode LOCAL APPS. So I read LTSP manual and made this
actions :
- in /tftpboot/lts/ltsroot/etc/lts.conf I wrote LOCAL_APPS=Y and LOCAL_WM=Y
- in /tftpboot/lts/ltsroot/etc/rc.local I left uncomented "mount"
- in /etc/exports (that was copied from
  I uncommented line for all exported directories

But client machine don`t work !
I have found sam bugs : 

1) in /tftpboot/lts/ltsroot/etc/rc.local in mount statements I had to add
options "nolock,nfsvers=2"
   - only after them the directories was mounted
2) after mounting /bin over nfs it was unreachable script /bin/set_runlevel
   is called by init process (see /tftpboot/lts/ltsroot/etc/inittab -
runlevel 2)
   - I had to copy /tftpboot/lts/ltsroot/bin/set_runlevel to /bin
3) in /tftpboot/lts/ltsroot/etc/rc.local on line 245 is statement : "chmod
0755 /tmp/start_ws"
   This line lies in "else" part of ` if ["${LOCAL_APPS}" ="Y"] then
...else` statement so that it can`t
   be executed in LOCAL_APP mode.
   - I placed the chmod statement beyond the "fi" clausule.

Well, now the boot process runs on to point, when init shall to switch to
runlevel 5 (running script /bin/set_runlevel).
It hangs with last message : "INIT : no more processes left in this

When I comment out in /tftpboot/lts/ltsroot/etc/rc.local the line:
 mount -t nfs -o nolock,nfsvers=2 ${DEFAULT_SERVER}:/lib /lib 
the boot proces runs a bit more further - the script start_ws is running but
it waits for cca120 sec
and then comes message:
/usr/bin/X11/xdm: error while loading shared libraries: libXpm.so.4 :cannot
open shared object file: no such file or directory
I wrote in /tftpboot/lts/ltsroot/etc/rc.local a statement :
 echo "ls -l /usr/X11R6/lib/libXpm.so.4" >> /tmp/start_ws 
which lists this file in time when the script /tmp/start_ws is running. It
dispays this file as link
to /usr/X11R6/lib/libXpm.so.4.11
The script /tmp/start_ws is then regularly respawned.

If sambody can help, I will be very glad.

Mr. John F. Cuzzola,pleas - on your site You don`t need make this operations
LOCAL APPS works at once after first configuration ?
What LINUX distribution and LTSP version do you use ?
Thanks for all replies.

        Richard Brazdil

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