Grgicevic Davor (VTG) wrote:
> Hi ..  I am tring to costumize my LTSP server
> The rason for this is ..  To get ..  For all kids  at start
> The same desktop and.. 

I have that.

> To put/remove neccesery programs from desktop .
> For instance  cdrom or floppy ..  Or other things..( default german
> keyboard,
> Desktop definitition . Ect. )
> And  to make  default desktop .. For shool kids..
> It should be automatic installed with deffinition of user
> And when kids mess there desktop ,  just  rm -rf /home/$user/.kde
> And  his original desktop is back :)

I use rsync to "reset" the /home/$USER automatically after every logout.
(see the appended /etc/X11/xdm/Xreset file)

I discribed what I did for my school on this website:
(german language)

maybe you just make some
/etc/skel directories for every type of user

then you make

cp -r /etc/skel1/.*  /home/$USER
chown -R $USER:users /home/$USER


mail mir mal, was für eine Schule ihr seid,
wieviele Clients ihr habt und ob/wie
Linux im Unterricht eingesetzt wird.

Attachment: Xreset
Description: application/shellscript

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