I install the ICA software under /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/lib/ICAClient(Rev) with a 
symbolic link to ICAClient

Add the startica script:
------------ /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/X11R6/bin/startica -------------------
exec >/dev/tty3 2>&1
export PATH
export DISPLAY=:0
#XBINARY is passed as ARG1


cd $CFG

############ start the client ###########################
sleep 2
# Wait for the X Server to start
# Start the wfcmgr
wfcmgr -geometry 400x400+300+200  $CFG/appsrv.ini

# Kill the Xserver to restart if the wfcmgr is exited.
kill $PID


The ICA config files are in /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/lib/ICAClient/config ( the 
default location as far as the ICA client is concerned )
I use another box to set up the ICA client for its servers etc (we have a few) 
and copy the $HOME/.ICAClient/* to /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/lib/ICAClient/config

Change /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/rc.local to

if [ -w /proc/progress ]; then
     echo "/usr/X11R6/bin/${XBINARY} -ac -query ${XDM_SERVER} >/dev/tty3 2>&1" 
     echo "/usr/X11R6/bin/startica ${XBINARY} >/dev/tty3 2>&1" >/tmp/startica
     echo "/usr/X11R6/bin/${XBINARY} -ac -query ${XDM_SERVER}" >/tmp/start_ws
     echo "/usr/X11R6/bin/startica ${XBINARY}" >/tmp/startica
chmod 0755 /tmp/start_ws /tmp/startica

/opt/ltsp/i386/etc/inittab has the run level 6 ( or what ever it ends up as )
d:6:respawn:/tmp/startica <<-- this line
   ^--this can be changed to anything sensible (7 perhaps)

The client runs as root and the user is presented with a list of configured 
Windows Terminal Servers/applications. The client is started full screen without 
a window manager.

ICA Sound is configured as normal (LTSP) although I haven't been able to get 
i810 sound working yet. All other sound cards seem to work.

I use the autofs to access the local drives with a startup script thus
/opt/ltsp/i386/etc/rc.d/autofs is the standard redhat /etc/init.d/autofs with 
these line at the beginning

/sbin/modprobe  ide-probe-mod
/sbin/modprobe  ide-cd
/sbin/modprobe  cdrom
/sbin/modprobe floppy
mknod /dev/fd0 b 2 0
chmod 664 /dev/fd0

# Sample auto.master file
# Format of this file:
# mountpoint map options
# For details of the format look at autofs(8).
--timeout 2

# $Id: auto.misc,v 1.2 1997/10/06 21:52:04 hpa Exp $
# This is an automounter map and it has the following format
# key [ -mount-options-separated-by-comma ] location
# Details may be found in the autofs(5) manpage

        -fstype=iso9660,ro      :/dev/cdroms/cdrom0
        -fstype=vfat -umask=000 -check=r        :/dev/fd0

Create a directory /opt/ltsp/i386/misc

the floppy is accessed as /misc/floppy
the cd is accessed as /misc/cd

Add these references to the ICA configuration file for local drive access.
The drives automatically unmount after 2 seconds.

Darryl Bond

Hans Petrie wrote:

> I also have had success installing the Citrix ICA client as a local app.
> Simply copy all of the files over into /ltsroot/usr/local/ica.  It works
> great!  Even has sound.  This means you can completely skip the xdm login.
> But I haven't been able to make it launch automatically when the terminal
> boots.  I keep getting an error when I run it from a script and I have to
> manually use su to switch to a real user (the terminals come up locally as
> root).  Hmmm.  I wonder if that is because it needs access to the users home
> directory and root is read only?  Could be.  My current setup has the
> terminal run a local fvwm2 window manager and launches an initial xterm
> automatically on boot.  The xterm comes up as root and I have to do an su to
> switch to a real user and then launch /usr/local/ica/wfica and then I get
> the familiar NT login.  I would like to see what you did in order to make it
> pop up full screen automatically on boot, if possible.  I would like to see
> what you did in /ltsroot/etc/inittab and the startup script you use.  I
> would be happy to share any information on what I have done, in exchange.
> Best Regards,
> Hans

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