Message: 7674571
     FROM: Thompson, Steve
     DATE: 01/28/2002 12:28:51
     SUBJECT:  [Ltsp-discuss] Screen Refresh Optimization?
>    I just used LTSP to set up my son's computer at home (a Pentium Pro, 200
>    mhz).  The problem that I'm seeing is that window refreshes cause the entire
>    screen to flicker.  Simple Arcade style games like Xsoldier are all but
>    impossible to bear.  I'm sure that the network speed must be causing a good
>    deal of the latency I'm seeing, but is there a way to optimize this at all?

>     Also, this machine has an S3 Trio, which unfortunately, I don't seem able to
>    get a very good resolution out of, even if I explicitly specify desired
>     resolutions in the lts.conf file.  Has anyone been able to achieve anything
>     better with this controller than 640x480?

I got a 800x600 but not better

I try XF86_S3 (Xfree version 3 and auto Xfree Version4.1

I calculate modeline from 

with the information from the vendor of the video screen HP (Vsync=43.5
or 60 hz)
and put the information in lts.conf

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