On Wed, Jan 30, 2002 at 10:44:01AM -0500, David Johnston wrote:
> John Jairo de la Rosa wrote:
> >
> > I have problems when I work with mode 5. The terminal tells me frequency
> > out of range. In other terminal tells me nothing.
> >
> > What can I do?
> The message is from your monitor, not from the computer or LTSP.

I very much doubt that the monitor gives that message. Not even my 17
inches TCO-95 compliant high end monitor that I bought 1997 gives you
any messages in such situations.

> You
> can replace the monitor with a newer one, or you can use fewer colors,

Why would using fewer colors solve the problem?

> a
> smaller resolution (eg, 640x480), or a slower refresh rate.

That will probably solve the problem, unless the monitor requires a
fixed frequency.

> Assuming that the workstation causing the problem is ws002, try adding
> these lines to your lts.conf:
> [ws002]
>  X_MODE_0 = 640x480

Or you can play with these settings. If the monitor is a multisync,
setting X_HORZSYNC and X_VERTREFRESH to moderate values should do it,
while if it is a fixed sync monitor, you will probably have to supply a
working modline in the X_MODE_640x480.

    X_RES_1         = 640x480
    X_HORZSYNC      = 29-33.5
    X_VERTREFRESH   = 55-70
    X_MODE_640x480  = 25.25 640 656 752 760 480 483 485 509

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