HI !

I'm using ltsp 3.0 to boot an 486 with 16MB and  wd8013 networkcard (ISA).
For the booting  I inserted the option-129 "NIC=ne IOx300";  in the
dhcpd.conf (for testing with an ne2000 clone (ISA)), it worked fine.
But the if i insert the WD8013 it won't work! (Kernel can't detect network
card -> kernel panic)
I tried option-129 "NIC=wd IOx300"; without success (i checked the
IO-address again, its the right one).

my dhcpd.conf: (the part for that workstation)

host ws001 {
                hardware ethernet       00:00:21:68:09:94;
                fixed-address ;
                filename                "/lts/vmlinuz.ltsp2";
                option option-128  e4:45:74:68:00:00;
                option option-129 "NIC=wd IOx300";        <-- "NIC=ne
IOx300" worked here!

Is the wd-Card supported by the ltsp 3.0-Kernel? What can i do?

thanx in advance!

Marek Czernohous
Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod!

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