Funny,  I have the same problem with my much lower-end setup:  Server is a 
Athlon 850, 290M of RAM, IDE disk, and *one* client (it's a home setup).  If 
we're both running KDE sessions, things get flaky and freeze on the WS after 
a while.  If only one of us is running KDE, things are fine.  I haven't yet 
spent the time to try to figure out what's happening, so I couldn't tell you 
if it's a related problem of a totally different one, but I will check and 
post my findings later.


On Sunday 17 February 2002 09:14 pm, Matthew T. O'Connor wrote:
> Hello, I have installed LTSP for a client and it's having a lot of
> problems.
> Here are the details:
> Redhat 7.2 with all the latest errata update.
> LTSP 3.0 from rpms
> IBM Netfinity Server, PIII 500 w/ 256M RAM, nice fast SCSI raid 5 disk
> setup. Approx 20 users running KDE 2.2.2 (official redhat rpms).
> Staroffice 5.2
> The problem is that after a little while we start havng major stability
> problems.  Users can't log in anymore, KDE starts having problems for users
> who are already logged in, everything crawls to a halt, and we have to
> reboot, at least once, often twice or more per day.
> Under this setup the load average typically is between 1 and 2.  We have
> approx 360M of swap being used (allocated a gig).  The process using most
> of the cpu is kswapd.
> I am aware that the server is probably under spec'd, and I am working to
> put together a better server with about a gig of memory so that we won't be
> swapping so much. However, It is my understanding that swapping out that
> much will slow you down, but shouldn't cause stability problems.  I have
> increased the file-max setting in /proc to 65536 which is about twice the
> number I get from doing an lsof | wc.
> My question I guess is this:  Do other people have these types of stability
> problems with KDE?  Are there any other linux kernel settings to tweak that
> will help? inode-max is no longer there in the 2.4 kernel.  Do you think a
> bigger server will fix the problems?
> Any help is appreciated as we are getting in hot water with this client,
> and they are going to want to rip out the solution pretty soon if things
> don't get much better in a hurry.
> As a side note, on Friday the server was down for an hour as some of the
> clients apparently started screaming for the server IP, and the server
> couldn't handle the traffic, so it wouldn't boot until we powered off many
> of the clients.   The client PCs are a hodgepodge of "white box" PCs with
> all sorts of different nics and video cards, and all boot off of floppies
> created from  We were going to standardize this over
> time, but thougth we could get started with what was already in place. 
> Anyone else ever see this type of a problems?
> Thanks in advance for any help you can give.  I really want to make this
> solution work.  We run an LTSP server in our office (only about 5 users)
> and it works very well.
> Matt
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