>Agreed.  After my experiments in a 5 user environment with 1/2 gig of RAM,
>KDE has been found to be unsuitable for Terminal Server on my end.  I may
>not be tuning my system in the right places thou.
>GNOME seems more apt for "simple" environments.  We are testing running
>Ximian GNOME on it right now.

We use Ximian GNOME in an LTSP enviroment without any (LTSP related) 
problems.  We can handily support five users (primarily evolution & open 
office) on a Dual PII-300/256Mb with fast SCSI disks.

We've tested KDE and it seemed to have lots of problems in multi-user 
operation,  they might be easily addressed,  we didn't try.

>I know, i know, why not use <insert wm advocacy here>, its great!  Its
>small!  Its fast!  Its ... BLAH.  I tried that.  It has to be either KDE
>or GNOME my boss says, otherwise I would use IceWM with ROX-Filer.  That
>would seem easy enough!  But what do I know, hehehe

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