Hi Kwame,

I was looking through the list for you, and I've been swamped lately. 
Details on my config below. The permissions on directories might be key, 
and you MUST have NON-PERSISTENT disks for your clients. With my config 
vmware seems to assign different fake MAC addresses for each client 
started. I do not know if using Win98 will make a difference, but I assume 
not, since Win98 must read the MAC address from the vmware environment. One 
last thing - all the VMs that I run are on the same machine. Vmware 
complains about other running virtual machines and disconnects /dev/rtc on 
startup among other things, but they don't seem to affect the running of 
windows (it complains that the CDROM drive is absent, which it is (atapi 
fails to start)). Inside windows I configured the address of the WINS 
server and the clients can browse the workgroup. I could not make them 
members of the domain though, since SMB uses the IP address for validation 
and the fake IP address is not routeable from my samba PDC (my PDC is not 
on the LTSP server).

At 12:31 PM 2/19/2002 +0100, kwame amedodji wrote:
>Hi Venkat,
>  thank you again for your precious help.
>Here is my configuration :
>==> 1 Ltsp server with one instance (installation) of
>==> 20 ltsp clients.
>What i want to do, is to use this only instance of
>vmware for all clients!

Here are the important points to check [ I don't know which if any of them 
make the difference, but here they are for your info]:

1. I have about 15 diskless LTSP clients - NO local apps, and hence NO IP 
masquerading on the server.

2. I Configured NAT on vmware, and its DHCP server assigns addresses on a 
*separate* IP subnet from the LTSP workstations.

3. the winNT.vmdk is in /scratch/winNT permissions are

drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         4096 Feb 20 16:14 winNT

i.e. only root has write privs in that directory. Vmware will place its 
REDO file in the /tmp directory for clients since clients will not be able 
to write there.

4. All clients start the exact same configuration. Both the .vmware and 
~/vmware directories are copied over to all users, and users given ownership.

Contents of ~/.vmware/preference:

[root@jackdaniels .vmware]# cat preferences
# This file is automatically generated and maintained by vmware.
# If you are going to ignore this order, at least first make
# sure that no instances of vmware are running.
prefvmx.mru.config = "/home/student/vmware/winNT/winNT.cfg:"
hint.disk.nonpersistentreset = FALSE
hint.disklib.lockerror = "FALSE"
hint.xkeymap.notLocal = "FALSE"
hint.mks.notLocal = "FALSE"
hint.gui.poweroff = "FALSE"
prefvmx.allVMMemoryLimit = 1024
prefvmx.checkMemoryLimit = TRUE
hint.hostlinux.othervms = FALSE
hint.hostlinux.rtcopen = FALSE

Perms on /home/student/vmware
drwxrwxr-x    3 student  student      4096 Feb 14 13:36 vmware

Contents of /home/student/vmware and its contents:

[root@jackdaniels student]# cd vmware/
[root@jackdaniels vmware]# ls -la
total 12
drwxrwxr-x    3 student  student      4096 Feb 14 13:36 .
drwx------   20 student  student      4096 Feb 22 08:39 ..
drwxrwxr-x    2 student  student      4096 Feb 14 15:12 winNT
[root@jackdaniels vmware]# cd winNT/
[root@jackdaniels winNT]# ls -la
total 56
drwxrwxr-x    2 student  student      4096 Feb 14 15:12 .
drwxrwxr-x    3 student  student      4096 Feb 14 13:36 ..
-rwxr-xr-x    1 student  student       783 Feb 22 08:33 winNT.cfg
-rw-r--r--    1 student  student     29298 Feb 22 08:39 winNT.log
-rw-r--r--    1 student  student      8648 Feb 22 08:39 winNT.nvram

Contents of winNT.cfg:
[root@jackdaniels winNT]# cat winNT.cfg
config.version = 6
virtualHW.version = 2
displayName = "Windows NT"

# No cdrom installed

# Virtual hard disk on scsi0:0
scsi0.present = TRUE
scsi0:0.present = TRUE
scsi0:0.fileName = /scratch/winNT/winNT.vmdk
scsi0:0.deviceType = scsi-hardDisk
scsi0:0.mode = "nonpersistent"
scsi0:0.writethrough = FALSE

# Floppy
floppy0.present = FALSE
floppy0.fileName = /dev/fd0
floppy0.startConnected = FALSE

# Networked through shared IP address
ethernet0.present = TRUE
ethernet0.connectionType = nat

# Memory size
memsize = 88

# Nvram
nvram = /home/$USER/vmware/winNT/winNT.nvram

# Log file
log.fileName = /home/$USER/vmware/winNT/winNT.log

# Hints
guestOS = winNT

ide1:0.startConnected = FALSE
ide1:0.deviceType = "cdrom-image"
ide1:0.fileName = "/scratch/nt.iso"
[root@jackdaniels winNT]#

  Hope this helps,


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