
Maybe the up2date updated the /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess file.

This file needs to have a line that starts with an asterisk '*'
as the first char on the line.

Maybe it enabled iptables/ipchains.

   iptables -L


   ipchains -L

To see if any ports are being blocked.

Also, is your workstation listed in the /etc/hosts file ?

Newer versions of KDM will NOT work unless they can map
the IP address to a workstation name.

Hope that helps,

Jim McQuillan

On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, Mike Ickes wrote:

> Thanks in advance for your help! I have a RedHat7.2 installation with LTSP 
> 3.0. All was working fine until I believe I performed an up2date from 
> Redhats site then the login went South on me. All I get from the work 
> station is a grey screen with an x that I can move with the mouse. My tail 
> from the messages log is:
> Feb 28 15:34:32 sigbit dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for from 
> 00:d0:09:84:5f:14 via eth1
> Feb 28 15:34:32 sigbit dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 00:d0:09:84:5f:14 
> via eth1
> Feb 28 15:34:32 sigbit rpc.mountd: authenticated mount request from 
> for /opt/ltsp/i386 (/opt/ltsp/i386)
> Feb 28 15:34:46 syslogd started: BusyBox v0.60.1 
> (2001.09.28-01:12+0000)
> Feb 28 15:34:56 init: Entering runlevel: 2
> Feb 28 15:34:48 sigbit kdm[1384]: Cannot convert Internet address 
> to host name
> Feb 28 15:35:06 devfsd[107]: Caught SIGHUP
> Feb 28 15:34:58 sigbit kdm[1384]: Cannot convert Internet address 
> to host name
> Feb 28 15:35:16 devfsd[107]: read config file: "/etc/devfsd.conf"
> Feb 28 15:35:27 init: Switching to runlevel: 5
> Feb 28 15:35:08 sigbit kdm[1384]: Cannot convert Internet address 
> to host name
> Feb 28 15:35:28 sigbit kdm[1384]: Cannot convert Internet address 
> to host name
> Feb 28 15:37:03 sigbit sshd(pam_unix)[1986]: session opened for user root 
> by (uid=0)
> Feb 28 15:37:09 sigbit kdm[1973]: server open failed for, 
> giving up
> Feb 28 15:37:09 sigbit kdm[1384]: Display cannot be opened
> A  netstat -ap | grep xdmcp gives me the following
> udp        0      0 
> *:xdmcp                 *:*                                 1384/kdm
> I checked the kdmrc xdmcp and made sure that it was NOT changed to disable. 
> I am not sure where to solve the above error about not being able to 
> convert Internet address to host name.....Here is my kdmrc file:
> # KDM configuration example.
> # Note, that all comments will be lost if you change this file with
> # the kcontrol frontend.
> #
> # Definition: the greeter is the login dialog, i.e., the part of KDM
> # which the user sees.
> #
> # You can configure every X-display individually.
> # Every display has a display name, which consists of a host name
> # (which is empty for local displays), a colon and a display number.
> # Additionally, a display belongs to a display class (which can be
> # ignored in most cases; the kcontrol config frontend does not support
> # this feature at all).
> # Sections with display-specific settings have the formal syntax
> # "[X-" host [":" number [ "_" class ]] "-" sub-section "]"
> # You can use the "*" wildcard for host, number and class. You may omit
> # trailing components; they are assumed to be "*".
> # The host part may be a domain specification like ".inf.tu-dresden.de".
> # From which section a setting is actually taken is determined by these
> # rules:
> # - an exact match takes precedence over a partial match (for the host part),
> #   which in turn takes precedence over a wildcard
> # - precedence decreases from left to right for equally exact matches
> # Example: display name "myhost:0", class "dpy".
> # [X-myhost:0_dpy] precedes
> # [X-myhost:0_*] (same as [X-myhost:0]) precedes
> # [X-myhost:*_dpy] precedes
> # [X-myhost:*_*] (same as [X-myhost]) precedes
> # [X-*:0_dpy] precedes
> # [X-*:0_*] (same as [X-*:0]) precedes
> # [X-*:*_*] (same as [X-*])
> # These sections do NOT match this display:
> # [X-hishost], [X-myhost:0_dec], [X-*:1], [X-:*]
> # If a setting is not found in any matching section, a default is used.
> #
> # Every comment applies to the following section or key.
> #
> # XXX do this on a per-display basis: should be [X-*-Desktop]
> # HELPME: I need help with kbackgroundrenderer!  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> [Desktop0]
> BackgroundMode=Wallpaper
> BlendBalance=100
> BlendMode=NoBlending
> ChangeInterval=60
> Color1=88,116,152
> Color2=88,116,152
> CurrentWallpaper=0
> LastChange=0
> MultiWallpaperMode=NoMulti
> Pattern=
> Program=
> ReverseBlending=false
> Wallpaper=none
> WallpaperList=
> WallpaperMode=Scaled
> [General]
> # If "false", KDM won't daemonize after startup. Use this, if you start
> # KDM from inittab with the respawn instruction. Default is true.
> DaemonMode=true
> # The file, where X-servers to be used by kdm are listed. The file is in
> # the usual xdm-Xservers format.
> # Default is /usr/share/config/kdm/Xservers
> # XXX i'm planning to absorb this file into kdmrc, but i'm not sure how to
> # do this best.
> Xservers=/etc/X11/xdm/Xservers
> # Where KDM should store its PID. Default is /var/run/xdm.pid - this
> # is an intentional conflict with "plain" XDM.
> #PidFile=/var/run/kdm.pid
> # Whether KDM should lock the pid file to prevent having multiple KDM
> # instances running at once. Leave it "true", unless you're brave.
> #LockPidFile=false
> # Where to store authorization files. Default is /var/lib/kdm
> #AuthDir=/var/lib/xdm
> # Whether KDM should automatically re-read configuration files, if it
> # finds them having changed. Just keep it "true".
> #AutoRescan=false
> # Additional environment variables KDM should pass on to the Xsetup, Xstartup,
> # Xsession, and Xreset programs. This shouldn't be necessary very often.
> # You may put QT_XFT here and export QT_XFT=1 before starting KDM to get
> # anti-aliased fonts until I implement a proper option for this.
> [Xdmcp]
> # Whether KDM should listen to XDMCP requests. Default is true.
> Enable=true
> # The UDP port KDM should listen on for XDMCP requests. Don't change the 177.
> #Port=177
> # File with the private keys of X-terminals. Required for XDM authentication.
> # Default is /usr/share/config/kdm/kdmkeys
> #KeyFile=
> # XDMCP access control file in the usual xdm-Xaccess format.
> # Default is /usr/share/config/kdm/Xaccess
> # XXX i'm planning to absorb this file into kdmrc, but i'm not sure how to
> # do this best.
> Xaccess=/etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess
> # Number of seconds to wait for display to respond after the user has
> # selected a host from the chooser. Default is 15.
> #ChoiceTimeout=10
> # Strip domain name from remote display names if it is equal to the local
> # domain. Default is true
> #RemoveDomainname=false
> # Use the numeric IP address of the incoming connection instead of the
> # host name. Use this on multihomed hosts. Default is false
> SourceAddress=true
> # The program which is invoked to dynamically generate replies to XDMCP
> # BroadcastQuery requests.
> # By default no program is invoked and "Willing to manage" is sent.
> Willing=/etc/X11/xdm/Xwilling
> [Shutdown]
> # The command to run to halt the system. Default is /sbin/halt
> HaltCmd=/sbin/poweroff
> # The command to run to reboot the system. Default is /sbin/reboot
> #RebootCmd=
> # Offer LiLo boot options in shutdown dialog. Default is false
> #UseLilo=true
> # The location of the LiLo binary. Default is /sbin/lilo
> #LiloCmd=
> # The location of the LiLo map file. Default is /boot/map
> #LiloMap=
> # Rough estimations about how many seconds KDM will spend at most on
> # - opening a connection to the X-server (OpenTime):
> #   OpenRepeat * (OpenTimeout + OpenDelay)
> # - starting a local X-server (SeverTime): ServerAttempts * ServerTimeout
> # - starting a display:
> #   - local display: StartAttempts * (ServerTime + OpenTime)
> #   - remote/foreign display: StartAttempts * OpenTime
> [X-*-Core]
> # How long to wait before retrying to start the display after various
> # errors. Default is 15
> #OpenDelay=
> # How long to wait before timing out XOpenDisplay. Default is 120
> #OpenTimeout=
> # How often to try the XOpenDisplay. Default is 5
> #OpenRepeat=
> # Try at most that many times to start a display. If this fails, the display
> # is disabled. Default is 4
> #StartAttempts=
> # The StartAttempt counter is reset after that many seconds. Default is 30
> #StartInterval=
> # Ping remote display every that many minutes. Default is 5
> #PingInterval=
> # Wait for a Pong that many minutes. Default is 5
> #PingTimeout=
> # Restart instead of resetting the local X-server after session exit.
> # Use it if the server leaks memory, etc. Default is false
> #TerminateServer=true
> # The signal needed to reset the local X-server. Default is 1 (SIGHUP)
> #ResetSignal=
> # The signal needed to terminate the local X-server. Default is 15 (SIGTERM)
> #TermSignal=
> # Need to reset the X-server to make it read initial Xauth file.
> # Default is false
> #ResetForAuth=true
> # Create X-authorizations for local displays. Default is true
> #Authorize=false
> # Which X-authorization mechanisms should be used.
> # Default is MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1
> #AuthNames=
> # The name of this X-server's Xauth file. Default is "", which means, that
> # a random name in the AuthDir directory will be used.
> #AuthFile=
> # Specify a file with X-resources for the greeter, chooser and background.
> # The KDE frontend doesn't care for this, so you don't need it unless you
> # use an alternative chooser or another background generator than kdmdesktop.
> # Default is ""
> #Resources=
> # The xrdb program to use to read the above specified recources.
> # Default is /usr/X11R6/bin/xrdb
> #Xrdb=
> # A program to run before the greeter is shown. You should start kdmdesktop
> # there. Also, xconsole can be started by this script.
> # Default is /usr/share/config/kdm/Xsetup
> Setup=/etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0
> # A program to run before a user session starts. You should invoke sessreg
> # there and optionally change the ownership of the console, etc.
> # Default is /usr/share/config/kdm/Xstartup
> Startup=
> # A program to run after a user session exits. You should invoke sessreg
> # there and optionally change the ownership of the console, etc.
> # Default is /usr/share/config/kdm/Xreset
> Reset=
> # The program which is run as the user which logs in. It is supposed to
> # interpret the session argument and start an appropriate session according
> # to it. See SessionTypes.
> # Default is /usr/share/config/kdm/Xsession
> Session=/etc/X11/xdm/Xsession
> # The program to run if Session fails.
> # Default is /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm
> #FailsafeClient=
> # The PATH for the Session program. Default is
> # /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/bin
> #UserPath=
> # The PATH for Setup, Startup and Reset, etc. Default is
> # /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/local/bin
> #SystemPath=
> # The default system shell. Default is /bin/sh
> #SystemShell=/bin/bash
> # Where to put the user's X-server authorization file if ~/.Xauthority
> # cannot be created. Default is /tmp
> #UserAuthDir=
> # The host chooser program to use.
> # Default is /usr/bin/chooser
> # XXX this is going to be integrated into the greeter (probably).
> #Chooser=
> # If "true", KDM will automatically restart a session after an X-server
> # crash (or if it is killed by Alt-Ctrl-BackSpace). Note, that enabling this
> # opens a security hole: a secured display lock can be circumvented.
> # Default is false
> #AutoReLogin=true
> # Allow root logins? Default is true
> AllowRootLogin=true
> # Allow to log in, when user has set an empty password? Default is true
> AllowNullPasswd=true
> # Where (relatively to the user's home directory) to store the last
> # selected session. Default is .wmrc
> #SessSaveFile=.wmrc
> # Command FiFo options.
> # XXX these options will probably change ...
> # Default is false
> #FifoCreate=true
> # Default is -1
> #FifoOwner=
> # Default is -1
> #FifoGroup=
> [X-*-Greeter]
> # Session types the users can select. It is advisable to have "default" and
> # "failsafe" listed herein, which is also the default.
> # Note, that the meaning of this value is entirely up to your Session program.
> SessionTypes=default,kde,gnome,failsafe
> # Widget Style of the greeter:
> # KDE, Windows, Platinum, Motif, Motif+, CDE, SGI; Default is KDE
> #GUIStyle=Windows
> # What should be shown righthand of the input lines:
> # "Logo" - the image specified by LogoPixmap (Default)
> # "Clock" - a neat analog clock
> # "None" - nothing
> #LogoArea=None
> # The image to show when LogoArea=Logo. Default is kdelogo.png
> #LogoPixmap=
> # Normally, the greeter is centered on the screen. Use this, if you want
> # it to appear elsewhere on the screen. Default is false
> #GreeterPosFixed=true
> #GreeterPosX=200
> #GreeterPosY=100
> # The headline in the greeter.
> # The following character pairs are replaced:
> # - %d -> current display
> # - %h -> host name, possibly with domain name
> # - %n -> node name, most probably the host name without domain name
> # - %s -> the operating system
> # - %r -> the operating system's version
> # - %m -> the machine (hardware) type
> # - %% -> a single %
> # Default is "Welcome to %s at %n"
> GreetString=Red Hat Linux (%n)
> # The font for the headline. Default is charter,24,bold
> #GreetFont=charter,24,5,0,50,0
> # The normal font used in the greeter. Default is helvetica,12
> #StdFont=helvetica,12,5,0,50,0
> # The font used for the "Login Failed" message. Default is helvetica,12,bold
> #FailFont=helvetica,12,5,0,75,0
> # Language to use in the greeter.
> # Use the default C or coutry codes like de, en, pl, etc.
> #Language=de
> # Specify, which user names (along with pictures) should be shown in the
> # greeter.
> # "All" - all users from /etc/passwd except those listed in NoUsers (Default)
> # "Selected" - only the ones listed in Users
> # "None" - no user list will be shown at all
> ShowUsers=None
> # For ShowUsers=Selected. Default is ""
> #Users=root,johndoe
> # For ShowUsers=All. Default is ""
> # Special case of NoUsers: users with a UID less than this number (except root)
> # will not be shown as well. Default is 0
> MinShowUID=500
> # Complement to MinShowUID: users with a UID greater than this number will
> # not be shown as well. Default is 65535
> #MaxShowUID=29999
> # If false, the users are listed in the order they appear in /etc/passwd.
> # If true, they are sorted alphabetically. Default is true
> #SortUsers=false
> # Specify, if/which user should be preselected for log in.
> # Note, that enabling this feature can be considered a security hole,
> # as it presents a valid login name to a potential attacker, so he "only"
> # needs to guess the password.
> # "None" - don't preselect any user (Default)
> # "Previous" - the user which successfully logged in last time
> # "Default" - the user specified in the DefaultUser field
> #PreselectUser=Previous
> # The user to preselect if PreselectUser=Default
> #DefaultUser=ethel
> # If this is true, the password input line is focused automatically if
> # a user is preselected. Default is false
> #FocusPasswd=true
> # The password input fields cloak the typed in text. Specify, how to do it:
> # "NoEcho" - nothing is shown at all, the cursor doesn't move
> # "OneStar" - "*" is shown for every typed letter (Default)
> # "ThreeStars" - "***" is shown for every typed letter
> #EchoMode=NoEcho
> # Who is allowed to shut down the system.
> # "None" - no "Shutdown..." button is shown at all
> # "Root" - the root password must be entered to shut down
> # "All" - everybody can shut down the machine (Default)
> AllowShutdown=Root
> # Hold the X-server grabbed the whole time the greeter is visible.
> # This may be more secure, but will disable any background. Default is false
> #GrabServer=true
> # How many seconds to wait for grab to succeed. Default is 3
> #GrabTimeout=
> [X-:*-Core]
> # How often to try to run the X-server. Running includes executing it and
> # waiting for it to come up. Default is 1
> #ServerAttempts=
> # How long to wait for a local X-server to come up. Default is 15
> #ServerTimeout=
> # See above.
> AllowRootLogin=true
> # See above.
> AllowNullPasswd=true
> # Enable password-less logins on this display. USE WITH EXTREME CARE!
> # Default is false
> #NoPassEnable=true
> # The users that don't need to provide a password to log in. NEVER list root!
> #NoPassUsers=fred,ethel
> [X-:*-Greeter]
> # See above.
> AllowShutdown=All
> # Complain, if local X-authorization cannot be created. Default is true
> # XXX this is a dummy currently
> #AuthComplain=false
> [X-:0-Core]
> # Enable automatic login on this display. USE WITH EXTREME CARE!
> # Default is false
> #AutoLoginEnable=true
> # The user to log in automatically. NEVER specify root!
> #AutoLoginUser=fred
> # The password for the user to log in automatically. This is NOT required
> # unless the user is to be logged into a NIS or Kerberos domain. If you use
> # it, you must "chmod 600 kdmrc" for obvious reasons.
> #AutoLoginPass=secret!
> # The session for the user to log in automatically. This becomes useless after
> # the user's first login, as the last used session will take precedence.
> #AutoLoginSession=kde
> # If "true", the auto-login is truly automatic, i.e., the user is logged in
> # when KDM comes up. If "false", the auto-login must be initiated by crashing
> # the X-server with Alt-Ctrl-BackSpace. Default is true
> #AutoLogin1st=false
> [X-:0-Greeter]
> # See above.
> #PreselectUser=Default
> #DefaultUser=johndoe
> Any suggestions....?
> Thanks!
> Mike
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