On Fri, Apr 05, 2002 at 02:08:55PM +0200, Arne - IMAP mediAVentures wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having a sudden problem with my very small test LTSP network.
> I'm having one server and one client working quite well. LTSP v3.0
> At a certain point my client stops responding and my server is not stating
> any programs under Gnome. Possible reason: downloading OpenOffice and not
> enough diskspace ???

You were downloading a large file to the server, when you met with
this problem, right? Has the server run out of diskspace?

> Restarting the server (and deleting the downloaded file) fixes the problems
> with the server but the client does not finish the startup process and
> finishes with a swapfile error:
> "error opening /tmp/swapfiles/ws004.swap: read only file system"
> "error creating swapfile, ERR=1"
> "press <enter> to continue"
> "caught sighup"
> I tried removing the /var/opt/ltsp/swapfiles/ws004.swap in the hope that a
> new swapfile would be created but everything stayed exactly the same.
> Besides the error talks about /tmp/swapfiles and not var/opt/swapfiles. I do
> not find the /tmp/swapfiles.

/tmp/swapfiles is the CLIENTS' mountpoint for swap. /tmp here refers
to the ramdisk on the CLIENT, take a look at
/opt/ltsp/i386/etc/rc.local, the sections "Create and mount the
ramdisk" and "Setup swap" if you want to understand how it is done.

> Any help is appreciated and perhaps also a 'why this happened'.

Sorry, no ideas. You could of course try to give the client another
name than ws004 and see if makes a difference.


Hans Ekbrand

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