> for their
> "upgrade advantage" program (now called "Software Assurance").  This
> insidious program sells itself as an "insurance policy" 
> guaranteeing you the
> right to use all the new versions of a covered product that 
> MS releases, for
> a 3 year period of time after the coverage is purchased.  (In 
> reality, it
> amounts to paying a discounted rate up-front for software 
> that doesn't even
> exist yet, in the belief that Microsoft will surely release 
> updates to your
> packages in the next few years.)

And to make it worse when they release that next update you'll probably need
a new machine to run it (you know its true) now the kicker.... When was that
last time you bought a computer that didn't already come with the latest
version of windows?

So whats the point of paying for upgrade protection? Yes there are a few
exceptions but come on.

My company just did the same as yours (I had nothing to do with it)

> As far as the whole "reliability" issue, though - LTSP is 
> pretty bulletproof
> when you get it working properly.  It also has performance 
> that (to me)
> seems at least equivalent to MS Terminal Server, assuming a 
> modern network
> environment (10/100 ethernet or better, etc.).

I'd have to say mine perform better then my terminal server that is on a 100
meg network with clients running on high-end machines (p2's with 64 meg or

My typical ltsp client is a p100 with 32 meg of ram and a 1 meg trident VGA
card with a 10 meg 3com 509 card. I only have 11 all of them are plugged
into the same 12 port hub that goes to the server via 100 meg. And these
things are pretty dang good for web browsing as400 stations

> If I were to attempt deploying this in a previously Microsoft 
> shop, I think
> I'd try to set up a few LTSP boxes on a trial basis first.  Pick a few
> employees to use them for several weeks instead of what they 
> use now, and
> get their feedback.  You'll begin to get a good idea of if 
> it's going to be
> workable in your environment or not.

This is what I've been doing.

I've found the best place for me to put them is in our call centers and
order entry.

They rarley need MS office and the few that do I have running rdesktop to a
terminal server to take care of that.

The rest run opera and tn5250 to access the as/400 a simple notepad for
jotting notes and xcalc. All on Icewm.

I love it.

I just wish my boss would pull his head out and love it too.


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