
Are you sure that tftpd is installed ?

It doesn't install by default on Mandrake.

You need to install the tftp-server package.

Then, when you think you've got it installed and running,
do this to see:

   netstat -anp | grep ":69 "

That should produce a line showing that it is listening on
port 69.

If you don't see that, then it still isn't configured

Take a look in the ltsp-3.0 docs for the troubleshooting
section for more info.

Jim McQuillan

On Sun, 12 May 2002, Remi BERNHARD wrote:

> Hi again,
> I just finished to setup my Linux Mandrake 8.2 server, and installed LTSP.
> I also make the diskette to boot on my laptop 486 with a 3c589 nic, with 
> the package "wireless ltsp".
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> On the server :       
>       - DHCP is running, I copy the dhcp.conf.example to dhcp.conf, and I 
> changed the IP adress of the server
>       - Tftp is not started when I look on the Mandrake 8.2 control center -> 
> services. I ran a
> service xinetd restart to make shure tftp is running, but I still have no 
> tools to really see if it's started.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> On the terminal x :
>       - when I boot the nic seems to be ok, but  :
> "eth0 : 3Com 3c589, io 0x300, irq 3, hw_addr 00:a0:24:65:c9:8c
> 8k FIFO split 5:3 Rx:Tx, auto xcvr
> cardmgr[36] : executing :' ./network start eth0'
> cardmgr[36] : + Running dhclient
> eth: flipped to 10 base T
> ERROR ! No file.
>       This usually indicate that dhclient did not get a response frome the DHCP 
> server, or the NIC driver isn't workiung properly with the network card
> Kernel panic: attempte to kill init !
> eth0: flipped to 10 base T"
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> When I test my DHCP server, it's running, so I don't understand where it 
> comes from.
> I tried my DHCP server with a windows98 host, and it works, my win98 
> computer get an ip adress.
> Rergards,
>       Remi.
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