Strange problem. Possibly not related to LTSP, but anyway:

We've got latest LTSP server running on RedHat 7.2 1.5Gb of memory
with 2Gb of swapspace and 2-mirrored SCSI disks.
And we have about 70 ltsp users.
It works fine, but a week ago and today we had a strange crash.
Suddenly with no visible reason every client was thrown out of
system. It's not even possible to open telnet session on LTSP server.
When I tried to reboot it, every service that must be stopped
during shutdown failed. But the system rebooted successfully in the end.

After reboot in the /var/log/messages file I've found strange
messages just before crash:

May 29 08:05:23 ncmaster gdm(pam_unix)[2823]: session opened for user 
martinv by (uid=0)
May 29 08:05:29 ncmaster gdm[3200]: gdm_slave_exec_script: Can't fork 
script process!
May 29 08:05:29 ncmaster exiting on signal 15

And I have another system script that instead of doing something
usuful put next lines in its log file just before crash:

/usr/local/bin/checkps: fork: Cannot allocate memory
/usr/local/bin/checkps: fork: Cannot allocate memory

Looks like I ran out of memory, but with 2 Gb of swap space
that is always free I doubt it's true:

  1:56pm  up  5:32, 84 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.28, 0.31
1287 processes: 1196 sleeping, 2 running, 89 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:  7.2% user,  7.5% system,  0.4% nice, 84.7% idle
Mem:  1544412K av, 1460060K used,   84352K free,       0K shrd,   57844K 
Swap: 2097136K av,      52K used, 2097084K free                  436012K 

Any hints?


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