I'll first start out by saying that I am just an avid user.
 Have never developed anything, other than written a few
shell programs for personal use here and there.  I don't
claim any serious knowledge, I just enjoy learning through
toubleshooting, and have never really been able to just sit
and read a reference manual.

I first started using the LTSP project in conjuction w/ the
K12-LTSP project that popped up awhile back.  Got it
working at home, but never really did anything with it.
 Just prior to that though, I had up and running a
floppy-based firewall/router called Dachstein (check
references below).  This is part of the LRP/LEAF project,
which is quite well maintained.  Getting this part of the
project, WAN LTSP, is another story, but I'll touch breifly
on it as well.  One last thing before I get to far, I could
not have done anything at all w/o the great support that is
inherit in all of the projects like this one.  Linux Rocks!

Getting the basics of the firewall/router is pretty
straight forward, so I'll move on to the gateway part of
the project.  If you are going to implement a terminal
server in a single location, security is a major concern.
 It is well documented that there is a significant amount
of risk to making an x-server just available to god and
everyone.  You can first start to eliminate some of the
threat using an IPSec (IP Security) gateway.  IPSec takes a
little effort to setup, but can be done using a single
disk, w/ the propper tweaking under a Dachstein based
install.  Me, I cheated and bought a Disk-On-Module (DOM),
which is a solid-state IDE harddrive, 16mb was about $65,
and I think it has come down again. Well worth it!  At
anyrate, IPSec allows you to establish a secure link
between two given points.  There is quite extensive
documentation on this so I won't go into it too much,
except that this is an easy way to bridge two LANs
together.  And since the subnets behind the gateway are
using a private ip class (generally 192.168.x.x or
10.x.x.x), it makes it harder for people on the outside to
cause any problems.  Atleast in my situation, I setup
individual boxes to do my routing, one on each side of the
world (across town), each running thier own dhcpd servers,
again this is all done through the floppy based firewall.
 Once this is done, work on getting IPSec working, this
shouldn't take too long, and I have done enough
troublshooting on my own to help out anyone that needs a
little assitance.  Once this part is done, you can test it
by pinging machines on each of the subnet, like so.

from a client workstation,


ping ------------------------------pong!

If IPSec is working correctly, then you should get the ping

Once this is up and operational, the rest is pretty
straight forward.  Get LTSP up and running like you
normally would for LAN.  You will then need to modify
network.conf on each of the gateway machines to allow for
the tftp protocol through the firewall. I'm not 100% sure
on that last one, I think that the tftp requests should
work regardless, because it is being tunneled through the
IPSec gateway, I'll test some more of that tomorrow.  You
will also need to make the proper adjustments to the
dhcpd.conf, very similar to the way it is done in the LTSP
documentation, except that you will need to add a line

next-server               ip.ad.dr.es;

this is the ip address of the LTSP server.  If this is not
set correctly, the machines will not know where to download
the kernel from, it will always try to grab the kernel from
the same server as the DHCP server.  I also found that for
some reason, I was not able to grab the 'lpp' version of
the kernel, but when switching to the normal kernel, it
worked fine, I think there may be a character limit when
working with this, something else I will need to verify.
 Generally speaking it works just like it would if it were
on a local lan.  Once IPSec is in place, and the subnets
are 'merged' in the since of being available to one
another, the rest is pretty transparent.

In a real world design, speed is a serious concern.  Rember
that most LANs are operating at 100mbit, and even slower
ones are operating at atleast 10mbit.  In comparison, xDSL
is usuall 1.5mbit/128kbit (down/up); Cable up to
10mbit/128kbit; T1 1.5mbit (up/down).  In my test, I ran
the x-server from my house to my office, both opperating on
a cable line.  I monitored the traffic and saw a spike at
50KB sent (roughly 3 times the normal speed to send data),
which I'm still trying to figure out.  You will definately
notice a performance problem in a similar scenario, I can't
speak for a T1-T1 type situation, although I hope to be
able to test something similar in the coming days.

Thats about it, I'm not much of a typist, although I've
written quite a little story above, I'm not sure how
usefull it will prove to be.  If it helps great, otherwise
email me w/ specific questions and I'll try to help out.

As for the office migration part of the whole thing, We are
a pretty simple shop.  Documents, spreadsheets, are pretty
common around our office, and we run only one specially
designed app, I had planned to run a Win2k/Citrix terminal
server to solve a couple of our MS based software
requirements (Linux needs a good accounting/pos/retail
program). I will keep you posted as the integration
actually happens.  One thing I have not worked on yet
though, is local serial/usb support for cameras and palm
pilots, things of that nature.  I welcome any assitance on
that project still to come...

Hope something I wrote here helps someone, if not, sorry
for babbling.

Joey Officer
Martin Apparatus, Inc.
Houston, TX

-Advocate in Action!


Dachstein       http://lrp.steinkuehler.net/
LEAF Project    http://leaf.sourceforge.net/
K12-LTSP        http://www.k12ltsp.org/
IPSec           http://www.freeswan.org/


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