LTSP sounds like an extremely promising product, but like many others, I’m a little wary at jumping off the Microsoft bandwagon.  I want to save money and give my users a great environment, but I don’t want to screw myself in the process.  As such, I have a few questions that maybe someone may be kind enough to answer.


*               How long does it take a diskless WS to boot from a central server, assuming a decently powered server and a 100Mbps network connection?

*               Can users have remote access to the X server using a remote Windows machine?  How well does it work over dial up connections?  I’m currently evaluating Citrix for this purpose.

*               Does LTSP have any fairly well known users?

*               Does anyone offer paid support contracts for LTSP?

*               How much support is required to maintain this service?

*               Is this service feasible for a 40-50 person legal office where we require consistent communication with 50 other offices (not our own)?  We regularly use the Corel WordPerfect Suite, MS Office 2000 with Outlook, a Windows app that may or may not run under WINE (needs to be tested) and a Windows based accounting package that also needs to be tested under WINE.


I very much appreciate any time that is taken to answer these questions.


Scott Lowe

Director of IT

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