Hello Anselm,

> I read it - again some problems: Does it just open a tcp port for you
> to communicate with that single-wire interface attached? Would
> probably be the best solution.

I recently bought a siteplayer (check out www.siteplayer.com ) wich is about
the same as TINI.  It's an embedded webserver with a serial port so it can
connect to a µC and send UDP messages out it's ethernet port.
I'm now guessing on a setup like this:
   iButton    >    iButton reader    >    µC    >    Siteplayer    >    My
iButton server  OR any network-attached device that can talk UDP.
The process of attaching a µC to iButton stuff is also well documented.
The Siteplayer would just be relaying serial messages to UDP messages.

> > Let's say I wanted to use the serial port for something else.  A simple
> > display, showing the price the client has to pay.  this can be different
> > WS.  How to set this up (Hardware/Software) ?
> I recommend using a parallel port, as described in
> www.ocinside.de
> http://www.linuxnetmag.com/de/issue5/m5lcd1.html (german)
> http://www.linux-magazin.de/ausgabe/1999/08/LCD/lcd.html (german)
> or just go google'ing yourself. This would require the lcd driver module
> mentioned in these pages) to be run on the WS, but that should not
> matter for LTSP, remember the RCFILE directive for lts.conf. The same,
> it should be no great problem to start a process listening on port
> udp 5651 or so and dump everything it gets to the /dev/lcd device.
> Then it could be reasonable to have a server program running on one
> computer dedicated as "iButton server". This program would wait for
> someone to put his iButton to the reader. If it's a waiter, the
> workstation screen could change to the "select drinks/food", if it's a
> client, he would be presented with his debts.
> If you want it web-based, you could have a html refreshing every two
> seconds or so, and if there was an iButton detected, it could get over
> to a page where all the interesting stuff can happen. Then it would
> not matter wether it's linux or windows based clients,

First of all I would like to start developing in windows since I'm familiar
with that.  That's why I like it web-based.  One of the things I dislike
most is a flickering HTML-page.
I found out that I can talk to sockets with PHP (server side scripting).
I've allready seen a tutorial on that.  What I'ld like is some sort of
'server push' to change the content on a web-page only when info arrives
thru a socket. (don't know if that can be done with PHP _YET_ )


Michael Van Wesenbeeck, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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