On Tue, 2002-09-24 at 15:02, Steven Edgar wrote:
> Hadn't considered just disconnecting the fan in the PSU. Discussions about the 
> v. low load of an Eden probably make that a feasible idea. I've found one 
> small PSU that might do, http://www.mini-itx.com/store/default.asp?c=9#p30
> Unfortunately it is out of stock and they aren't listing a price right now, 
> but should be cheaper than canabalising a case just to get its PSU.
> This PSU of course has a fan, but since it is rated at 150W a 20W load should 
> be fine without it. Need to experiment though as the case won't have huge 
> amounts of ventilation. It's still not the smallest available, I've seen one 
> in the Shuttle FV24 that was really tiny. Only real problem is that the 
> dimensions mean I'm not really making the thin client box any smaller, it's 
> 7.5cm in the smallest dimension. Anyone got any other suggestions for a small 
> PSU that is available retail? (Preferrably with a UK or European supplier, 
> import duties from the USA are a killer)

How about making your own?  I've seen several books recently on making
your own switching power supplies.

One word of warning: if the load on a switching power supply is too low,
you will get very short, erratic, high-voltage spikes that will ruin
things.  Most decent PSUs have a built-in load to protect against this,
but some of the lower-end ones might not.

What about an external PSU like the ones used with laptops?  Then you
don't have to worry about the PSU overheating your CPU.


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