Does anyone know how to setup LTSP so that if a workstation has 2 nics in it (Eth0=RTL8019 & Eth1=RTL8139)
to boot to the secound nic rather than the first?
Ive got a couple of boxes that i alternate between local boot and LTSP boot that have 2 nics in them
The nics have to be in the order there in when booting localy, but if booting to LTSP via bootdisk
the bootdisk boots from RTL8139 (bootdisk set with 8139 driver!) it boots fine upto the point
where the kernel kicks in and it then moves the card assignments around and the RTL8139
get re-assigned against eth1 and bootup fails! (rtl8019 is not attached to local LAN)
Anyone any ideas?
Thanks in advance

Matt Lowe
TEL:07050 615 773
FAX:07020 971 220

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