Hello Everyone,
I'm rather new to the LTSP and am very impressed by its progress and capabilities.
I'll go ahead and get right down to buisness.  I manage the IT Dept. to several call centers between two states and we are looking for ways not only to cut costs, but also reduce administrative overhead.
Below is the scenario that I would like to impliment and would like any opinions as to its strengths and weaknesses.
4 Call Centers(45-120 terminals in each)
1 local "boot server" in each center
1 Centralized Cluster (Additional cluster will be added in future)
*admin staff is all centralized in one location*
My idea is to have each center's terminals boot off of a local Terminal Server which will also be that center's DHCP server.  Therefore keeping most of the data traffic local and not pulled across our frame links.  Once booted the terminals will use a browser(probably mozilla) to connect to our cluster that will furnish the applications that our agents will need via web.  No data will be stored on the local Terminal Server.  All data will be processed from the web apps on the cluster keeping the data in one location.  (right now we have job servers in all of our locations pushing and pulling data when we need it). 
One question that I've been trying to answer is what kind of machine will be required for the local Terminal Server.  I've come accross recommendations for RAM to be 64mb base + 32mb per terminal plus 10%.  Being new to this I want to make sure I don't build a machine that won't handle it, but on the other hand I don't want to much overkill.
Thanks for your advice in advance.

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