sorry for replying late

I am attaching a file as per you requested, containing my dhcpd.conf,
lts.conf and related XF* files

I have the color problem using vesa drivers on some computers. I don't
have the degause option on my monitors as they are quite old. Also I have 
tried to copy 100dpi fonts from my ltsp server's fonts folder to the fonts 
directory deep inside /opt/ltsp directory BUT this doesn't solve the 
defragmented fonts problem. Any more ideas ? Plus as I mentioned I seem to 
have old monitors and it is veryyyyy irritating to configure them. How do 
I learn the secret art of modelines ?

Also during a client boot, (normally in my case) I get a lot of "Fatal error 
screen not found", etc type of errors which refer me to /var/log/XFree86.0.log , 
but when I open that file on my server it seems to be the file generated by my 
ltsp server having nvidia card. So there is normally no error in this file. There 
seem to be no way that I can read the specified file from the client's log 
architecture myself. Help needed.

I have a new question too. How can I enable/use the parallel port on my
diskless client computers. The problem is that we were conducting
hardware interfacing classes with C / C++ on DOS. Now since we are
shifting to Linux, I want to allow my students to interact with
parrallel port on their respective diskless computers. In the current
scenario, they seem to accidently land on the parallel port of the ltsp
server. Any help ? Thanks in advance.


########## MY dhcpd.conf file ##############################

# Sample configuration file for ISCD dhcpd
# Make changes to this file and copy it to /etc/dhcpd.conf
ddns-update-style         none;

default-lease-time            21600;
max-lease-time                21600;

option subnet-mask  ;
option broadcast-address;
option routers      ;
option domain-name-servers;
option domain-name            "test.local";
option root-path              "";

option option-128 code 128 = string;
option option-129 code 129 = text;

shared-network WORKSTATIONS {
    subnet netmask {

group   {
    use-host-decl-names       on;
    option log-servers;

    host ws1 {
        hardware ethernet     00:30:4F:1E:C2:50;
        filename              "/lts/vmlinuz-2.4.19-ltsp-1";

    host ws6 {
        # P1 on VXPRO II board
        hardware ethernet     00:60:52:07:08:4F;
        filename              "/lts/vmlinuz-2.4.19-ltsp-1";
        option option-128     e4:45:74:68:00:00;   #This is NOT a MAC address
        option option-129     "NIC=ne IO=0xef80";

    host ws9 {
        # IBM PS/VALUE 486-DX-25 MHz
        hardware ethernet     00:00:B4:85:56:7E;
        filename              "/lts/vmlinuz-2.4.19-ltsp-1";
        option option-128     e4:45:74:68:00:00;   #This is NOT a MAC address
        option option-129     "NIC=ne IO=0x300";

    host ws10 {
        # 386-DX-40 MHz
        hardware ethernet     00:40:C7:15:56:77;
        filename              "/lts/vmlinuz-2.4.19-ltsp-1";
        option option-128     e4:45:74:68:00:00;   #This is NOT a MAC address
        option option-129     "NIC=ne IO=0x300";


################# Now my lts.conf file ##############################

# Config file for the Linux Terminal Server Project (www.ltsp.org)

        SERVER             =
        XSERVER            = auto
        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "PS/2"
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/psaux"
        X_MOUSE_RESOLUTION = 400
        X_MOUSE_BUTTONS    = 3
        USE_XFS            = N
        LOCAL_APPS         = N
        RUNLEVEL           = 5

# Example of specifying X settings for a workstation
        XSERVER            = auto
        X_MODE_0        = 800x600
        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "Microsoft"
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/ttyS0"
        X_MOUSE_RESOLUTION = 400
        X_MOUSE_BUTTONS    = 2
        LOCAL_APPS         = N
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 64m
        RUNLEVEL           = 5

        # VXPRO-II P-1 

        XF86CONFIG_FILE = XF86Config.ws6
        XSERVER            = XFree86
        X_COLOR_DEPTH = 16
        X_MODE_0        = 800x600
        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "Microsoft"
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/ttyS0"
        X_MOUSE_RESOLUTION = 400
        X_MOUSE_BUTTONS    = 2
        LOCAL_APPS         = N
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 64m
        RUNLEVEL           = 5

        # 486-DX-25 (IBM)
        XF86CONFIG_FILE = XF86Config.ws9
        XSERVER = XFree86
        X_MODE_0        = 800x600
        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "PS/2"
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/psaux"
        X_MOUSE_RESOLUTION = 400
        X_MOUSE_BUTTONS    = 2
        LOCAL_APPS         = N
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 64m
        RUNLEVEL           = 5

        # 386-DX-40 MHz configuration on 8 bit depth, VERY SLOW on graphics
        # but still works 

        XSERVER            = XF86_VGA16
        X_MODE_0        = 640x480
        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "Microsoft"
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/ttyS0"
        X_MOUSE_RESOLUTION = 400
        X_MOUSE_BUTTONS    = 2
        LOCAL_APPS         = N
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 64m
        RUNLEVEL           = 5 


########## Below are related XF86Config.* files

# XF86Config.ws6

    Section "Files"
        RgbPath         "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
        FontPath        "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
        FontPath        "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
        FontPath        "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/"
        FontPath        "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
        FontPath        "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"

    Section "ServerFlags"

    Section "Keyboard"
        Protocol        "Standard"
        AutoRepeat      500 5
#        ScrollLock      Compose
#        RightCtl        Control
        XkbKeycodes     "xfree86"
        XkbTypes        "default"
        XkbCompat       "default"
        XkbSymbols      "us(pc101)"
        XkbGeometry     "pc"
        XkbRules        "xfree86"
        XkbModel        "pc101"
        XkbLayout       "us"

    Section "Pointer"
        Protocol        "Microsoft"
        Device          "/dev/ttyS0"
        Resolution      400
        Buttons         3
        BaudRate        1200

    Section "Monitor"
        Identifier      "My Monitor"
        VendorName      "Unknown"
        ModelName       "Unknown"
        HorizSync       30-62
        VertRefresh     45-90

        Mode "800x600"
            DotClock    40
            HTimings    800  840  968 1056
            VTimings    600  601  605  628
            Flags       "+hsync" "+vsync"

        Mode  "640x480"
            DotClock    36.00
            HTimings    640  696  752  832
            VTimings    480  481  484  509
            Flags       "-hsync" "-vsync"

    Section "Device"
        Identifier      "SiS SG86C205"
        Driver          "vesa"
        VideoRAM        2048
        VendorName      "Unknown"
        BoardName       "Unknown"
        Option          "use_modeline"
#        Option          "fix_panel_size"

    Section "Screen"
        Driver          "vesa"
        Device          "SiS SG86C205"
        Monitor         "My Monitor"
#        BlankTime       5
#        SuspendTime     10
#        OffTime         30
        SubSection      "Display"
            Depth       16
            Modes       "800x600" "640x480"

################# Below is XF86Config.ws9 file ###############

# XF86Config.ws9

    Section "Files"
        RgbPath         "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
        FontPath        "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
        FontPath        "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
        FontPath        "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/"
        FontPath        "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
        FontPath        "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"

    Section "ServerFlags"

    Section "Keyboard"
        Protocol        "Standard"
        AutoRepeat      500 5
#        ScrollLock      Compose
#        RightCtl        Control
        XkbKeycodes     "xfree86"
        XkbTypes        "default"
        XkbCompat       "default"
        XkbSymbols      "us(pc101)"
        XkbGeometry     "pc"
        XkbRules        "xfree86"
        XkbModel        "pc101"
        XkbLayout       "us"

    Section "Pointer"
        Protocol        "PS/2"
        Device          "/dev/psaux"
        Resolution      400
        Buttons         3
        BaudRate        1200

    Section "Monitor"
        Identifier      "My Monitor"
        VendorName      "Unknown"
        ModelName       "Unknown"
        HorizSync       30-62
        VertRefresh     45-90

        Mode "800x600"
            DotClock    40
            HTimings    800  840  968 1056
            VTimings    600  601  605  628
            Flags       "+hsync" "+vsync"

        Mode  "640x480"
            DotClock    36.00
            HTimings    640  696  752  832
            VTimings    480  481  484  509
            Flags       "-hsync" "-vsync"

    Section "Device"
        Identifier      "s3"
        Driver          "vesa"
        VideoRAM        1024
        VendorName      "Unknown"
        BoardName       "Unknown"
        Option          "use_modeline"
#        Option          "fix_panel_size"

    Section "Screen"
        Driver          "vesa"
        Device          "s3"
        Monitor         "My Monitor"
#        BlankTime       5
#        SuspendTime     10
#        OffTime         30
        SubSection      "Display"
            Depth       16
            Modes       "800x600" "640x480"

###################### End of all files #############

On Thu, 2003-05-29 at 10:35, Sudev Barar wrote:

> On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 22:15, Kamran wrote:

> > Hello,
> > Thanks a real lot for your help. I have managed to run the clients with
> > the suggested solutions and they seem to run faster and with a lot of
> Kamran, Let us keep the discussion on the list. This way others who may
> have suggestions / problems may contribute / benefit.
> > colors, EXCEPT the color scheme is a bit different than normal and
> > irritating. Also the icons seem to become discolored / ill colored. The
> > worst is that the text on the screen becomes sort of distorted and sort
> > of difficult to read. Note that it is NOT the problem of the Monitor
> > focus, etc.
> Two areas. First try to "DEGAUSS" your monitor. New monitors have menu
> for this using the buttons on the monitor.
> Second checks what all fonts are installed on your system in
> file:/opt/ltsp/i386/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts normally LTSP does not
> install 100dpi fonts. You need to install these.
> > Oh yes, one more thing, talking about thin clients. I have successfully
> > been able  to boot a 386DX-40 MHz from the boot floppy from the LTSP
> > server running RH8. It is slow BUT works. Even my 486 25 MHz's
> > performance has boosted using vesa driver. I will try to run that in
> Good can you send me copy of your lts.conf and dhcpd.conf and XF*
> files?? Please edit senstive information. My problem is that although we
> have made one 486 run X the mouse if not getting recognised under
> XF86_VGA16 server.
> > vesa mode as well. It has a 512K Realtek ISA VGA card. Any ideas/
> > suggestions in advance to this experiment are welcome / needed.
> > 
> Just follow the LTSP's ecellent instruction set and add following lines
> for ISA card into the relevant machine section:
>       option option-128 e4:45:74:68:00:00;
>       option option-129 "NIC=ne IO=0x300";
> > Regards,
> > Kamran
> > 
> > "Computer bugs are like ship-wrecks, they are not found unless they want
> > to be found."
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Mon, 2003-05-26 at 10:16, Sudev Barar wrote:
> > > On Fri, 2003-05-23 at 17:49, Kamran wrote:
> > > > Hello ,
> > > > to find more S3 pci cards in the market but no success. In my LTSP
> > > > configuration /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf , I have tried anything found
> > > > in the LTSP trouble-shooting guide. I have tried to copy my LTSP
> > > > server's XF86Config file (Which is running on RH8) to the above
> > > > directory, tried to set the XF86CONFIG_FILE directive to various config
> > > > files but no success. Is there a way to use these cards in GUI mode on
> > > > my workstations ? Please guide.
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > 1. To use XF86CONFIG_FILE you should create the following directory:
> > > /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/X11 and then put the relevant config file there. Do
> > > not put any path in the XF86CONFIG_FILE statement. Just the name of the
> > > configuration file. 
> > > 
> > > 2. Try making the following deivice section in your XF86Config or
> > > XF86Config-4 file in the /etc/x11 directory for Sis Cards:
> > > 
> > > Section "Device"
> > >   Identifier "SiS SG86C205"
> > >   Driver "vesa"
> > >   VideoRAM 2048
> > >   BoardName "Unknown"
> > > EndSection
> > > 
> > >  and use this device in the screen section. Hope this helps.
> > > 
> > > -- 
> > > Sudev Barar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Nuchem Limited
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> -- 
> Sudev Barar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Computer bugs are like ship-wrecks, they are not found unless they want
to be found."

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