On Tuesday 11 November 2003 16:41, Peter Rundle wrote:

> In our
> script we have the commands that mount the local disk, use dd to copy
> the desired image from the NFS disk to the local disk. 

How quickly can dd process your rebuild?  My terminal hard drives are around 
2G each and when I played around with dd to put the basic image onto the 
server the first time (by mounting an NFS drive on the terminal), it seemed 
to take forever (in excess of 30 minutes) -- on account of that, I decided to 
tarball the files on the hard drive instead of using dd, since it went 
significantly faster.

Note to self==> this was before I found how to access the terminal's ide-hdd. 
 Will dd proceed faster now that I am accessing the server in "LTSP-mode" 
instead of in "I booted to Tom's and used NFS to dd-mode"?  Does using dd 
mean that I will be transferring 2GB x 20 = 40GB each bell change instead of 
the smaller .tar files?

As others have pointed out, tarring the files on the hard drive instead of 
using dd means that I have to make other arrangements for installing the 
image, partitioning, formatting, et. al.  I see where your solution is much 
more elegant.  

Currently, I put a directory /local in /opt/ltsp/i386 so that I would have a 
mount point for the workstation hard drive -- am I going about this all wrong 
or will I still need to do that?

> If you copy the
> boot image as well it will replace the partition table on the ltsp
> terminals local hard drive.

Is this the default behavior for dd, copying the boot partition? Or will I do 
that separately?

Unfortunately, my school will only let me work so late ;-) and no stations in 
my class can be connected to the Internet (security, dontcha know) so I have 
to experiment with this ad hoc. 

Thanks, Pete, this advice is very helpful.


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