On Wed, 2003-11-12 at 02:31, Peter Rundle wrote:
> This local hard disk access thing has got me thinking about all sorts of 
> possibilities, so I reckon I've got to try this for myself.
> I figure I've got to build an ltsp kernel with ide-disk support or at 
> least get hold of a loadable ide-disk.o module. Tried the list-archives 
> searching for "local swap" etc but sourceforce search doesn't find 
> anything. So a  kernel config file or pointers to "how-to build your own 
> ltsp kernel" doco would be most welcome.
> Thanks
> Pete


ltsp_kernel-3.0.12-0.i386.tgz/rpm includes the ide-disk module.  Add the
following to your lts.conf file for the workstation you want to access
the local hard disk:

MODULE_01          = ide-disk

This should load the module for you.

Hope this helps,

Erick S. Tyack
Acurrus Consulting, LLC                        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
3111 N. Connecticut Ave.                       Voice:  248.302.1855
Royal Oak, MI  48073                           Fax:    248.928.5239

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