On Thu, 13 Nov 2003, pankaj gadhari wrote:

> hello friends,
>        i just want to know what are PXE boot-roms, is there any procedure
> for booting the card using PXE roms. Actually, i am having certain n/w cards
> with boot-rom, now my vendor says they are PXE boot-roms, but when i insert
> them in the slot, it doesn't boots, and doesn't asks to boot from network.
> my card is D-LINK 538tx . plz give me the solution.
> its very urgent
> thanks in advance
        This is only a guess. But many PCs have an option in the bios that
says boot from network. It may be worth a try. They often also allow you
to select more than one to be tried in order. Setting different options
can speed up the boot time of a machine and stregthen/losen sequrity on
the machine.
        Usally new machine are set Floppy->CD-Rom->Hard Disk although if
the OS is preinstalled it may be set to Hard Drive Only.
        Some bioses don't seam to have an option and may therefore not

Peter Childs

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