I think I have found a bug in LTSP4 release.

I recently upgraded from LTSP3 and preserved my old lts.conf file. I 
discovered the new LTSP4 does not boot on _one_ terminal. Other ones I 
have tested booted correctly (I didn't test all of them). The error 
message was:

syslogd: cannot write to remote file handle on192.168.0.254:514 is not the server that should be recieving syslog messages. 
I have set the SERVER variable correctly in lts.conf. After a little 
debugging I found that the lts.conf was causing the problem. I removed 
the following line:

X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/ttyS0"

from the lts.conf [Default] section and it began booting correctly.

I assume that getltscfg does not parse my config file correctly.

I will attach two ltsp config files, one that is working 
(lts.conf.working) and the failing one (lts.conf.failing). You can diff 
those files yourself.

Besides that I also found that the /etc/vidlist file is out of date. It 
was already reported by someone else on the list.

Kalev Lember
# Copyright (c) 2002 by James A. McQuillan (McQuillan Systems, LLC)
# This software is licensed under the Gnu General Public License.
# The full text of which can be found at http://www.LTSP.org/license.txt
# Config file for the Linux Terminal Server Project (www.ltsp.org)

        SERVER             =
        DNS_SERVER         =
        XSERVER            = auto
        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "Microsoft"
        X_MOUSE_RESOLUTION = 400
        X_MOUSE_BUTTONS    = 3
        USE_XFS            = Y
        LOCAL_APPS         = N
        SCREEN_01          = startx
        SCREEN_02          = shell
        XkbLayout = ee
        XkbRules = xfree86
        XkbModel = pc105

        X_MODE_0  = 800x600
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 32m
        X_MODE_0  = 800x600
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 32m

        X_MODE_0        = 800x600
        X_DEVICE_OPTION_01 = "no_pci_disconnect"
        X_DEVICE_OPTION_02 = "sw_cursor"
        X_DEVICE_OPTION_03 = "noaccel"
        USE_NFS_SWAP    = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE   = 32m
        X_MODE_0  = 800x600
        USE_NFS_SWAP    = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE   = 32m

        X_MODE_0  = 800x600
        USE_NFS_SWAP    = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE   = 32m

        X_MODE_0  = 800x600
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 32m

        X_MODE_0  = 800x600
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 32m

        X_MODE_0  = 800x600
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 32m

        X_MODE_0  = 800x600
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 32m

        X_MODE_0  = 800x600
        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "PS/2"
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/psaux"

        X_HORZSYNC = 30-61
        X_VERTREFRESH = 50-120

        X_HORZSYNC = 30-61
        X_VERTREFRESH = 50-120
        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "PS/2"
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/psaux"
        X_HORZSYNC = 30-61
        X_VERTREFRESH = 50-120

        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "PS/2"
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/psaux"
        XSERVER = "XF86_S3V"
        X_HORZSYNC = 30-61
        X_VERTREFRESH = 50-120
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 32m

        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "imps/2"
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/input/mice"
        XSERVER            = geode
        X_MODE_0  = 1024x768
        X_HORZSYNC = 30-61
        X_VERTREFRESH = 50-120

        XSERVER            = auto
        LOCAL_APPS         = N
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = N
#        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 48m
        RUNLEVEL           = 5
        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "Microsoft"
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/ttyS0"

        XSERVER            = auto
        RUNLEVEL           = 5
        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "imps/2"
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/input/mice"
# Copyright (c) 2002 by James A. McQuillan (McQuillan Systems, LLC)
# This software is licensed under the Gnu General Public License.
# The full text of which can be found at http://www.LTSP.org/license.txt
# Config file for the Linux Terminal Server Project (www.ltsp.org)

        SERVER             =
        DNS_SERVER         =
        XSERVER            = auto
        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "Microsoft"
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/ttyS0"
        X_MOUSE_RESOLUTION = 400
        X_MOUSE_BUTTONS    = 3
        USE_XFS            = Y
        LOCAL_APPS         = N
        SCREEN_01          = startx
        SCREEN_02          = shell
        XkbLayout = ee
        XkbRules = xfree86
        XkbModel = pc105

        X_MODE_0  = 800x600
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 32m
        X_MODE_0  = 800x600
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 32m

        X_MODE_0        = 800x600
        X_DEVICE_OPTION_01 = "no_pci_disconnect"
        X_DEVICE_OPTION_02 = "sw_cursor"
        X_DEVICE_OPTION_03 = "noaccel"
        USE_NFS_SWAP    = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE   = 32m
        X_MODE_0  = 800x600
        USE_NFS_SWAP    = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE   = 32m

        X_MODE_0  = 800x600
        USE_NFS_SWAP    = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE   = 32m

        X_MODE_0  = 800x600
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 32m

        X_MODE_0  = 800x600
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 32m

        X_MODE_0  = 800x600
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 32m

        X_MODE_0  = 800x600
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 32m

        X_MODE_0  = 800x600
        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "PS/2"
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/psaux"

        X_HORZSYNC = 30-61
        X_VERTREFRESH = 50-120

        X_HORZSYNC = 30-61
        X_VERTREFRESH = 50-120
        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "PS/2"
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/psaux"
        X_HORZSYNC = 30-61
        X_VERTREFRESH = 50-120

        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "PS/2"
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/psaux"
        XSERVER = "XF86_S3V"
        X_HORZSYNC = 30-61
        X_VERTREFRESH = 50-120
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = Y
        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 32m

        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "imps/2"
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/input/mice"
        XSERVER            = geode
        X_MODE_0  = 1024x768
        X_HORZSYNC = 30-61
        X_VERTREFRESH = 50-120

        XSERVER            = auto
        LOCAL_APPS         = N
        USE_NFS_SWAP       = N
#        SWAPFILE_SIZE      = 48m
        RUNLEVEL           = 5
        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "Microsoft"
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/ttyS0"

        XSERVER            = auto
        RUNLEVEL           = 5
        X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL   = "imps/2"
        X_MOUSE_DEVICE     = "/dev/input/mice"

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