On Sat, 2004-10-16 at 05:11, Richard Houston wrote:
> Hey Marvin,
> I have LTSP 4.1 running with dual monitors with no issues so far. The way
> I did it was to get it all running on a full blown version of Linux,
> preferable the same as your terminal setup, then migrate the xorg.conf
> file to the thin client configuration. With a little tweaking i got mine
> running just fine. See the documentation for how to set your custom
> xf86_confign file.

Did you use xinerama or any other related software to make the dual
monitor work?  What documentation that you are referring to?

> Not sure how the vertical monitor thing is going to work but the above is
> a start. Chances are if you can do it on a full blown Linux install with
> out doing anything too exotic you should have little issue on LTSP
> clients.


> One thing I found that did give me an issue was my video card. I was
> trying at the start to do this with a dual port Matrox G550 card but had
> no luck. Just for a giggle I tried a ATI Radeon 7000 Dual head card I had
> kicking a round and it worked great. I think the S3 cards are pretty well
> supported so you should have no big issue there. But only trying will
> tell.

You're right.  I should have tried this if this will work.

> Good luck and let me know if I can help in any way.

Thanks.  Maybe all I need to know for now is an assurance that it's
really possible to rotate the 2nd monitor to 90 degrees left so that I
could have a vertical monitor.  And if you got a copy of the
recipe/howto make a dual monitor work on the thin client side and want
to share it to us, it would really be appreciated not only by me but the
entire LTSP community.  :)

Again, thank you.


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