I'm looking for information on moving a school (K-6) from
Windows 2000 to Linux. Some of the topics I see needing to
be addressed are:
1.  Software available for eduction
2.  Support for the distribution
3.  Transition strategy
4.  Cost - Initial and TCO
5.  Integration with other schools in the area (we have 3
school districts to worry about / coordinate with - ours,
our neighbor town, and the cooperative district we run
together that has the Junior High/High School).
6.  HW Issues
7.  Anything else I've forgotten.

Also looking for case studies on primary schools that have
gone to Linux / Open Source - experience, cost,
recommendations, etc.

Background:  our current school district is looking to
upgrade their systems, and I'd like to propose instead of
an upgrade of the OS and SW to the latest proprietary
stuff, we move to Linux to save money and enable us to
better customize and control our childrens education

Any help appreciated

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