Hello all,

We've been working on getting some updates of ltsp-4.1 packages out, but
I ran into a snag that has slowed me down a bit.

I've merged Xorg 6.8.2 into the LBE, and built it.  The problem is, on
my test server, if I have the latest LTSP bits installed, and I boot a
client, and run Firefox, then Firefox crashes on pages that contain
flash.  Examples include http://www.nba.com and http://www.gm.com

My server is running XFree86-4.3.0 and my LTSP clients are running X.org
6.8.2.  When that condition is true, firefox is crashing on flash pages.

BUT, if I run X.org 6.7.0 on my LTSP clients, firefox is just fine.

AND, if I load the latest LTSP on an Ubuntu-Hoary system that is also
running X.org 6.8.2, everything is fine.

This had me stumped for quite a while, until I had several other people
install the latest bits, and it worked just fine for them.

Then, I installed the latest on my laptop, and it works fine there !
And my laptop is running the same version of XFree86 as my big server.

So, something seems to be borked in my test server that is causing
firefox to crash on flash pages.

I don't feel comfortable releasing the updates as official, until I get
a better handle on when it works and when it fails.

So, i've decided to release the updates as a "ltsp-4.1-unstable"

I'd like people to install it to a test directory, and give it a try.
See if you have any problems like I had on my test server.

To install the updated "unstable" ltsp-4.1, run ltspadmin, and
go into the 'Configure the installer options' screen.  The first
question in that screen is "Where to retrieve packages from".
For that question, answer:


Then, the next question is "In which directory would you like to
place the LTSP client tree".  For that question, you should name
a new directory, like '/opt/ltsp-4.1-unstable'.

Then, leave the other answer the default, and go ahead and install.

Then, update your /etc/exports file to include the new directory, and
modify your dhcpd.conf file to tell your client to use the new
kernel and new root-path.  I suggest that you just setup 1 client
to test with.

Once you have a client booting, try running firefox, and visit one of
the sites I listed above.

Then, whether it crashes or not, send me some feedback.

For the record, my test server is:

   Debian Sarge
   XFree86 4.3.0.dfsg.1-4
   Firefox 1.0.2

I've posted a rough ChangeLog for the latest ltsp bits here:


A quick summary of the updates:

 o  Both 2.4.26 and 2.6.9 kernels are now included.  2.6.9 kernel
    still doesn't have a method of swapping to the network, so don't
    use it on low-mem machines.

 o  X.org 6.8.2

 o  Updated module utilities to handle the 2.6.9 kernel

 o  Additions to the vidlist file

 o  New option to pass options to the mount command in the initrd.
    Passing 'MOPTS=xxxxxxx' on the kernel command line will allow
    you to specify things like wsize, rsize and proto=tcp  This should
    help those folks with 10mbit clients on 100bit or gigabit networks
    that are getting the nfs-timeout errors.

    If using Etherboot, an example setup would be:

        option option-128  e4:45:74:68:00:00;
        option option-129  "MOPTS=nolock,ro,wsize=2048,rsize=2048";

    You might also try throwing  ",proto=tcp" in there, to use TCP
    instead of UDP.

 o  Added a config file to LBE, to specify the URL to the source

 o  getltscfg now has an 'include' functionality.  Which means your
    lts.conf file can include other files.

    For example:

          SERVER =
          XSERVER = auto

       include /etc/lts.conf.ws001
       include /etc/lts.conf.ws002
       include /etc/lts.conf.ws003

          XSERVER = i810

 o  New options to enable DPMS screen blanking

Check the URL above for the gory details of the changes.

Jim McQuillan

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