Sorry guys,

I really have checked for days now, but the result until now is negativ. My problem is, how can I connect a headset and a webcam to my LTSP-Terminals?

I know, there is a sound-package and sound is a well known problem with linux. But until now I was not able to fix it. Ether there is no sound or the sound sounds terrible at the workstation. I've tried ALSA, OSS and ESD, I've tried to start Skype with 'esd skype', but it's all the same: terrible or not working! I have tried NASD, the same. And the result after, all the people have the same problem.

I really like LTSP, but the soundproblem realy should be fixed. I'm a german and I live in the Philippines since one year now. Here in Davao City we have arround the 300!!! Cybercafes with arround 3000!! computers, all with Windows (pirated Windows!) and soooo many people would like to change to Linux, but the people here can not live without "Rice, cellphone, Sound and a webCam"!

The only think I like to know is, is it possible or not? I know, it's all for free and so I should not complain. But believe me, I'm not complaining against LTSP. I'm only angry with the documentation incl. the wiki if it comes to this point. So many people have these problem, but it looks like, nobody knows the answer.

So please tell me, is it possible, yes or no? If yes, where can I get the right informations and why these informations are not a part of the documentation?

I'm 100% sure, if sound and webcam will work, this will be the next big step fir the LTSP project. And I am sure too, I am not the only one, who is interested to get an answer for this question.

Best Regards

Davao City, Philippines, Planet Earth, 32.8 °C

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