Except Scribus and the other software you mention, I guess Gimp might also be used in the same context. I think more RAM wouldn't hurt if you'll have more simultaneous users.

BTW: how did you fare with Scribus? We happen to have similar plans here, but noone has gotten around to testing open source layout software (or making the scanner work via LTSP).

Scribus seems to be to a good powerful program. I didn't use it personally but comments I heard were
1. Iit didn't have templates and other goodies that you get in Publisher.
2. Also the text box editing works in a tricky way. You open up a window and when you close it the page gets updated. I haven't looked into it but it sounded like it wasn't reatime wysisyg. 3. The tutorial was inappropriate for primary school. The example graphics were photos of sexual stone carvings (like kama sutra)!
Otherwise didn't hear to many complaints.

I am thinking that I will have to upgrade the system somehow to accomodate the new clients, and generally to be able to deal with higher peak usage.

Below are some options I have thought of. Which would be the best option? Any other suggestions? 1.Upgrade from a "desktop" computer to a server specific motherboard/CPU including SCSI drives etc. This seems expensive, and I am not sure of the real benefit of a "server" over "desktop" at the same CPU speed etc.

If you get a dual (or more) CPU motherboard, at least that might bring benefits. They can often accomodate more RAM too.

Are servers with P4 chips worthwhile? Or is Zeon / Opteron the only what to go? I have seen an ad for a cheap P4 3.0 GHz Server that I might consider.

4. Enable local applications for firefox and openoffice. Could also be a solution for sound problems (Mplayer) too.

Step up the network and switching to 100 Mbit client <-> switch and 1 Gbit switch <-> switch/switch <-> server(s), to get at least closer to 100 Mbit simultaneous usage all the way from client to server(s)?

Currently we have 4-5 clients sharing one 100Mbit switch in each classroom. These switches feed into a 100/1000Mbit Switch that goes to the server at 1000Mbit. Would the 5 clients sharing the 100Mbit switch be a bottleneck?

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