I have tried the two methods of installing a scanner in ltsp (4.1.1) listed in the wiki, and my scanner does not work is a USB scanner HP scanjet 2300C, it is supported by the sane-genesys back end, which I don't see is supported in neither one of the two methods, this by inspecting the /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/lib/sane there is no libsane-genesys* library.

I am running slackware 10.2 as my ltsp main server and it has the sane support for the genesys back end, the question is first of all if someone here has being able to use the HP scanjet 2300c in a ltsp terminal please tell what you did to get it to work or if someone can help me installing the apropriate back end and configuring it to get the scanner to work.

I have followed all the required steps in both setups with no luck so far.

in the terminal I get the device file correct in /dev/usb/scanner0 and if I turn off the scanner it is noticed by the usb subsystem, if I plug it back on it is also notice d as it should so is not a usb problem per se.

if I do a lsmod in the terminal I get :

usb-ohci          18184      0   (unused)
scanner           11776     0   (unused)

doing an scanimage -L in the terminal results in sane telling me it cannot find any scanner to use recommending me to do a sane-find-scanner, doing a sane-find-scanner in the terminal will tell me I have the proper scanner which is :

found USB scanner (vendor="0x03f0" , product="0x0901") at /dev/usb/scanner0

which is correct that's the HP scanjet 2300C, I think the problem is making sane understand the sane-genesys backend is there, problem is how do I do this?...

The way I figure this is to copy the libsane-genesys files to /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/lib/sane the binary files from slackware work on the ltsp terminal (I have used other programs like xsetbg compiled in slackware in the terminal and they work), or is the backend support hardwire to the sane packages posted in the wiki?, is it possible?... please any help is very much appreciated and needed. thanx.

I have another scanner the HP scanjet 3500c and I am right now googling to see if this one uses a backend supported by the ltsp_scanner packages. again thanx.

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