Without any success I've tried to build the closed source nvidia
graphics driver for ltsp 4.2.

What I've done:

    o Download the nvidia driver archive
      NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-8178-pkg1.run from the nvidia home page and
      unpack this archive into /usr/src

    o Download the kernel archive linux- and unpack
      into /usr/src

    o cd NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-8178-pkg1

    o running this command

      sudo ./nvidia-installer \
        --accept-license \
        --expert \
        --no-network \
        --no-rpms \
        --no-backup \
        --no-runlevel-check \
        --kernel-name= \
        --no-opengl-headers \
        --log-file-name=log \
--kernel-install-path=pkg/lib/modules/ \
        --kernel-source-path=/usr/src/linux- \
        --utility-prefix=pkg/usr \
        --x-prefix=pkg/usr/X11R6 \
        --x-module-path=pkg/usr/X11R6/lib/modules \

      and ignore all warnings

    o Copy the result over the Ltsp installation

      cd pkg
      sudo cp -a * /pkg/ltsp-4.2/i386

After adding XSERVER=nvidia and X4_MODULE_01=nvidia to the lts.conf and
restarting the terminal, I get the following error:

    nvidia: modules disagrees about version of symbol copy_from_user
    nvidia: modules disagrees about version of symbol copy_to_user

and the module wasn't loading.

Any help welcome


Dipl.-Ing. Peter Ehrenberg                                http://dipe.de/

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