Try changing the X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL .  Try either "auto" or "PS/2"


On Wed, 2006-04-12 at 00:19 -0400, Peter Hartmann wrote:
> I have one of these usb to ps2 adapters which i have to (would like to
> very much) use with a terminial and kvm. My terminal only has usb and
> the kvm is all ps2.  The problem is that when the terminlal boots the
> mouse only moves in one axis, up and down.  The keyboard works fine.
> This adapter works fine with a desktop install. Not sure if this is
> the right thing to do but I've tried doing modprobe -l with the thing
> plugged in and not plugged in and the lists are the same.  Does anyone
> know how I can get this adapter to work?
> Thanks !!
> Peter
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