
You were right, I had a problem with the client's name because it got
also a domain name per dhcpd.conf. After deleting the 'option domain
name' it works nearly perfect.
Now I have another problems: lbussd isn't started automatically by the
xinitrc, but this should be a problem with the FC4 RPM package.
When there is a .tgz, I'll give it a try to build a SuSE RPM. I'd also
write a howto for SuSE when it will be running if someone wants one.


Scott Balneaves schrieb:
> On Tue, Apr 11, 2006 at 09:24:59PM +0200, Roland Holder wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hello!
>> I'm running OpenSuSE 10 with OpenLDAP 2.2.27 as user database (on the
>> same computer). I installed LTSP 4.2, 4.1 is running without any problems.
>> Now I have at least two problems.
>> At first, I wanted to install an NVIDIA driver for the graphics cards of
>> some clients. Because there was no precompiled one, I wanted to install
>> LBE and make one on my own. But LBE gave an error message that it would
>> only run with gcc versions 3.3-3.5 and that it won't start. OpenSuSE 10
>> comes with gcc 4.0, so building a driver is impossible. Will there be a
>> fix or a precompiled driver?
>> The next problem is installing the localdev support. I'll just explain
>> my way (from the WiKi) and the results.
>> - - modifying the dhcpd.conf worked
>> - - installed FUSE 2.5.2 with libfuse.so.2 (FUSE_2.2|2.4|2.5) ans
>> libfuse.so.2 (libfuse.so.2) from packman and made 'modprobe fuse'
>> - - then I made a group 'fuse', chowned /dev/fuse to it and added my
>> testuser - I also tried without group and permissions 4755 on /dev/fuse,
>> it didn't change the final result
>> - - because there is no packaged X11 library support for perl, I installed
>> the module directly from MCPAN (X11::Protocol)
>> - - because there is no package for SuSE or a .tgz file, I installed the
>> LTSP localdev support package for Fedora Core 4. This only worked with
>> - --nodeps because the X11::Protocol wasn't in the RPM database
>> - - then I enabled the localdevices in the lts.conf
>> But the final result was that nothing happened when plugging in an USB
>> drive or an CD. So I started with the troubleshooting, having success
>> till step 9. Step 10 ended with the error message 'Authentication
>> failed'. So, where is the problem?
> Ummm, that you're running SuSE? :)
> If you're getting auth failed, you've got some kind of problem with the
> hostname, usually the terminal not knowing what it's proper hostname is,
> OR, the hostname being different from what DISPLAY reports.
> For testing, you can try LTSPFSD_OPTIONS = "-a" in the lts.conf file,
> which will disable ltspfs's authentication mechanism.
> Scott

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