Dnia 14-04-2006, pią o godzinie 16:24 -0400, Cindy Murdock napisał(a):
> Is it something gconf-related that's zombified?  I'm using Libranet 3.0 
> on my server with icewm in the desktop, but with gnome's print manager, 
> and I seem to have had trouble with gconf not wanting to die.  (This was 
> months ago, so I don't remember much. :/)  I have a script that's run on 
> logout that slays the user and kills off gconf:
> #!/bin/bash
> /usr/bin/gconftool-2 --shutdown
> /usr/local/bin/slay `whoami`
> Once in a while there are other zombies that pop up (can't remember the 
> details, though), which can be found with 'ps -efH | grep Z'.  Haven't 
> figured out how to automate the hunting down of parent processes, though.
> HTH,
> c.
Unfortunately I can give more details next week, when I'm back to work.
But anyway, thanks for suggestion with slay script.
Michał Mielczyński <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Klub Klik

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