I have a problem with sound after the first login.  On 2 of my 3
clients, the first login ALWAYS has sound.  Sound works great for any
and all apps that I have thrown at it.  But after that person logs
out, the only way to get sound again is to reboot the client.  

Server is Debian Etch (testing).
All users are using "icesound-experimental -i ESD" for the desktop.
Using ESD to "push" sound to the clients
Happens to all users, no matter who or what order they log in.

Client one has an onboard Crystal CS4235 built-in Sound Blaster Pro,
MPC-3, MPU-401 compatible Audio Enhanced Stereo full duplex operation
and lts.conf has: (ignore wraping)

        SMODULE_01 = "cs4232 io=0x534 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=3 mpuio=0x330
                      mpuirq=9 synthio=0x0220 isapnp=0"

Client two has an onboard ESS Solo-1 and lts.conf has:
        SMODULE_01            = "esssolo1"
        SMODULE_02            = "snd-seq-device"
        SMODULE_03            = "snd-seq-midi"
        SMODULE_04            = "snd-mixer-oss"

My third client, works just fine all the time.  I has an old ISA
soundblaster add-on card, and lts.conf of:
        SMODULE_01            = "sb irq=5 io=0x220 dma=1"

Since it works for Client #3 but not for the others, I assume the
problem is the lts.conf for those two or those chipsets do not play well
with linux/ltsp.  I have googled like crazy, but as you can imagine,
LTSP + SOUND + PROBLEMS show up a lot of false positives (at least for
my case)

Does anyone have any thought or pointers? 
 Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem    
 your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone then in bad 
 company.        - George Washington, Rules of Civility

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