Other than running Debian sarge have the same situation.

I do not want fuse access for default so didn't even try that.

First off you can add the ldap account users to the /etc/group file.
I tried it initially for testing and it worked.

What I did is created a localdev group in ldap then changed the group for /dev/fuse.

Just to make sure I reset /dev/fuse ownership and permisions on boot.

Also must change group for /usr/bin/fusermount and make sure it stays suid.

This is what it is normally:
-rwsr-xr--  1 root fuse 19160 Mar 23 09:49 /usr/bin/fusermount

For that matter if you want to allow everyone to use fuse will have to add execute permission to fusermount.

I am having some local device problems. It mounts the on the first log in only. I am assuming for the moment that this is not the cause of my problems as it has the same problem using local accounts. Will be posting on that real soon.


David Heinzerling wrote:


Production:  LTSP 4.1, fedora core 4, locadev using unicolet method, ldap 
authentication server
Test system: LTSP 4.2, fedora core 5, localdev using ltspfs/fuse system

I can get local devices to work on the test system if I use local users.  In 
other words, if I create a local user and add him to the fuse group local 
devices work perfectly.  However, I have been unable to get local devs working 
when I log onto the system as an ldap authenticated user.  This makes sense, as 
I can't figure out how to add an ldap user to the local fuse group.  I have 
attempted to bypass the necessity of adding users to the fuse group using the 
following tip in the fuse readme file, but to no avail:

"If you don't want to add all users to the fuse group you can also run
# chmod 4755 /usr/bin/fusermount to allow everyone to mount fuse filesystems. You have to re-run that command
after each fuse update."

It appears that the permissions on /dev/fuse get reset to no read/write 
priveleges for non-fuse group members.  Regardless, I get permission denied 
errors when attempting to create a manual test mount as described in the 
troubleshooting section of the localdev wiki page.

This topic appears to have come up before on the list, but I didn't see a 
resolution (perhaps I missed it).  Any ideas?

Many thanks,
David Heinzerling
The Chinquapin School

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