On Sun, 11 Jun 2006 22:55:38 +0100, Jim McQuillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I seriously doubt that LDAP is causing the problem.
> It seems that lbuscd, running on the client, gets hung in an odd state,
> and refuses to accept new connections after the first one.
> What makes this so hard for us to figure out, is that it works perfectly
> for us (Scott and me).  So, it's awfully hard to debug something that
> doesn't appear broken.  But, there's been a number of people reporting
> this as a problem.  It also seems that most people (maybe all) that are
> having trouble aren't running Ubuntu or Debian, as we are.  So, I'll
> probably have to build a Suse or FC box to do some testing.
> Technically, that's not a problem. it's just there aren't enough hours
> in the day to do all the things I need to do.

The actual problem as stated does not fit with the problem as I am  
investigating it this morning. The problem should be stated as "only the  
last log in for one person has local device support."

Here is the problem as I experience it:

1/ log in to machine one.
2/ USB Key works on machine one.
3/ log in to machine two.
4/ USB Key works in machine two.
5/ USB Key doesn't work in machine one.

Can anyone else confirm that this is the problem they are experiencing, or  
is it something different? Further more with a third log in on the same  

6/log in to machine three
7/USB Key works in machine three.
8/USB Key doesn't work in machine two.
9/USB Key doesn't work in machine one.

It is like a flag is being passed around so that only one terminal for a  
particular user has local device support. It is was noticeable that when  
the third machine was logged in too, the floppy icon disappeared from the  
desktop (of all three log ins (of course) and that the third machine  
didn't have a floppy.

Perhaps the reason you are not finding a problem Jim is that you are  
testing the local device of the last log in which always works, not the  
first log in, which always doesn't (on this set up anyhow).

I think I was one of the first people to report this, and we use Debian  
here, of the testing/unstable variety.

 From Ben Green

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