really, I found that is not a good idea use 64 for WEB Desktop LTSP.
reason: flash and java.

may be a pain, but you will save time, instaling again your system with

for good sound with flash, install flash-nonfree chrooted (local)

I found 7.04 slow, disable ssh tuneling for x, is suggested to make ltsp5
work near to velocity os ltsp 4.2.

I found also that Debian etch, works really more fast than 7.04, for LTSP 5.
but, Edubuntu works without hacks. Debian, need some adj.

its my experience, its all that I could help to you.


2007/7/9, Jim Kronebusch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I am working on setting up local apps under Edubuntu 7.04 using LTSP
5.  My goal is to
run firefox locally with flash and java and have working sound.  My server
is running
the 64-bit edition which is giving me some headaches for flash and java,
in the end I
think it would be best to run those as local apps.  I have received some
direction from
Jim McQuillan and from the website  
where I am at as of now.

I have set up LDAP on the server and exported /home.  I also chrooted into
the client
directory /opt/ltsp/i386 and installed libpam-ldap, libnss-ldap,
openssh-server, firefox, and flashplugin-nonfree.  I configured ldap and
am able to
confirm users with "id <username>" and "getent passwd <username>".  I
/etc/security/pam_mount.conf with the following line:

volume * nfs /home/& /home/& - - -

To try and tell pam to mount the users home directory at login.  This
doesn't seem to be
working.  So for testing purposes I am just logging in on Screen1
(alt+ctrl+f1) and
manually mounting /home with "sudo mount -t nfs /home"
(my ltsp server
is  This mounts /home and I can see all users folders.

I have set /etc/ssh/ssh_config on the server with "ForwardX11 yes" and
/opt/ltsp/i386/etc/ssh/sshd_config with "X11Forwarding yes".

>From a terminal (with the manually mounted /home from screen1), I can log
in with one of
my ldap users, open a terminal and "ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] (where
testuser is the
logged in ldap user and is my thin clients current IP) and
with the users password.  I get an error of "Warning: No xauth data; using
authentication data for X11 forwarding", but this error seems trivial as I
am still able
to use the ssh session.  I can issued the command "firefox" from the ssh
session and
after a long wait (about 30 seconds) I actually get a firefox running as a
local app.
Once open I am able to navigate websites with a fair amount of speed
(about as good as I
would expect from a client with 533Mhz and 128MB RAM).

So I guess I could call this a step in the right direction and partial
success.  However
the speed to open is a concern, flash runs but still has no sound, and of
course I have
the issues of pam_mount not automatically mounting the /home directories
and I have to
manually ssh into the client and run firefox.

Anyone have any suggestions for me from this point?  I assume that I can
figure out how
to avoid the manual stuff for ssh and nfs mounting, but I don't understand
why this app
takes so long to load and why sound isn't working.  If I can't get past
those 2 issues
there really is no reason to move forward with the others.  Also I wonder
if there is a
more efficient way of accessing the local app without using X11
forwarding, it seems
like a lot of extra network traffic could be caused by having to send the
X data back to
the server just so the server can send it back to the client.  There must
be a way to
access it locally.


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